SUNY at Stony Brook MAT 314: Abstract Algebra II
Spring 2023

Syllabus and Homeworks

There will be weekly homeworks, posted on Th. The homeworks will be announced on the course web page.

The syllabus below is tentative and subject to change.

Week Dates Notes Topics HW Due date
1 1/23 - 1/27 Rings and modules. Examples: vector spaces, abelian groups, modules over F[x]. Submodules and quotients. Kernel, image, isomorphism theorem HW1 Feb 2, 2023
2 1/30 - 2/3 Generators and relations. Beginning of classification theory for abelian groups: row and column operations for integer matrices. HW2 Feb 9, 2023
3 2/6 - 2/10 Structure theorem for finitely generated modules over Z (aka abelian groups). Modules over PIDs HW3 Feb 16,2023
4 2/13 - 2/17 Structure theorem for modules over a PID. Jordan canonical form. No HW this week
5 2/20 - 2/24 Group representations: basic definitions, irreducible representations, Schur's lemma. HW4 March 2, 2023
6 2/27 - 3/3 Group representations: complete reducibility, characters HW5 March 9, 2023
7 3/6 - 3/10 Fields and extensions. Finite and algebraic extensions. HW6 March 23, 2023
3/13 - 3/17 Spring Break
8 3/20 - 3/24 Splitting field of a polynomial. Algebraic closure. Finite fields HW7 March 30, 2023
9 3/27 - 3/31 Examples of splitting fields. Automorphism group Aut(L/K). HW8 April 6, 2023
10 4/3-4/7 Galois extensions. Fundamental theorem of Galois theory HW9 April 13, 2023
11 4/10-4/14 Examples of Galois groups and corresponding subfields. Ruler and compass constructions HW10 April 20, 2023
12 4/17-4/21 Galois groups of polynomials. Symmetric polynomials. No HW
13 4/24 - 4/28 Solvability in radicals. Solvable groups HW11 May 4, 2023
14 5/1 - 5/5