Lecture Notes
Geometric foundation of perfect fluid motion
Mathematics of 3D turbulence: Kolmogorov and Onsager theories
Mathematics of 3D turbulence: Intermittency
Support of anomalous dissipation measures
Transition to turbulence and Kolmogorov's conjectures
Long time behavior of 2D fluids
Principle of least action and perfect fluids
Clebsh Variational Principle for Euler
Development of shocks in compressible Euler
The Feynman-Lagerstrom condition for boundary layers
A maximum entropy principle for Navier-Stokes
Holder regularity of the Lagrangian velocity in turbulence
Local structure of fluid equilibria and the action principle
Geodesics on SDiff do not self-intersect
Singularity formation in the Burgers Equation
Self-regularization and intermittency in the Burgers equation
Local pressure formulae for incompressible fluids equations
Generalized Kelvin theorem for incompressible fluids
A nonlinear stochastic representation for non-diffusive densities
Richard P. Feynman's unpublished Notes on fluid dynamics
boundaries and viscous fluid flow
, Folder 65.12 Caltech archives
field theoretic approach to turbulence
, Folder 76.14 Caltech archives