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University of Warwick
March 22 - 25, 2010

The plan is to bring together people working on different aspects of the dynamics of rational maps on the Riemann sphere. All those interested in this area are encouraged to register. Accommodation for those connected with the CODY Network will be covered by University of Warwick node.

Organizers: Davoud Cheraghi, Sebastian van Strien.

University of Maryland at College Park
March 4 - 7, 2010

The school is targeted at the advanced graduate students, with a background in Hamiltonian systems.

There will be four courses of 3-4 hours each, listed in alphabetical order:

First course is by Jacques Fejoz:
Periodic and quasiperiodic motions in the N body problem.

This class is devoted to KAM theory to the N body problem and related questions.

Second course is by Mark Levi
Collision and choreographies

This class is devoted to variational principles and its application to find break orbits (Seifert's), Stormer's problem. Possible applications of Gromov's non--squeezing theorem in celestial mechanics and optics.

Third course is by Richard Montgomery
N body problem: geometric, variational and topological approaches.

This class is devoted to discussion of Open questions, including ``the Oldest Question''. Variational methods and the figure eight. These ideas could be applicable to some designer orbits. Discussion of McGehee blow-up, some of Moeckel's results, Albouy coordinates along with hyperbolic pants will be given.

Fourth course is by Ke Zhang and Jinxin Xue.
Averaging and long time stability for the N body problem.

This class is devoted to applicability of averaging to the N body problem. Part of the class will be devoted to Treschev's method of continuous averaging.

The conference is funded by NSF and we can cover lodging of participants. Some assistance with travel expenses of Ph.D students can be provided.

Organizers: Joseph Galante and Vadim Kaloshin

The details can be found on the website

De Giorgi Center at Pisa
January 25 - February 5, 2010

The school will focus on the study of periodic approximations as a tool to understand the ergodic properties of deterministic dynamical systems, and as a method of construction of examples (and counter-examples) of ergodic behavior, especially in dynamics related to quasi-periodic motion, such as perturbations of completely integrable systems, KAM theory, Arnol'd diffusion theory, quasi-periodic cocycles, Schrodinger equation, 1-dimensional complex dynamics around elliptic fixed points, etc.

The school will be aimed at students and young researchers and its goal is to provide them with the state of the art ideas and techniques of the included topics.

Organizers : Carlo Carminati (Pisa), Bassam Fayad (Paris 13), Anatole Katok (PSU), Raphael Krikorian (Paris 6), Stefano Marmi (Pisa).

Scientific committee : Hakan Eliasson (IMJ Paris), Giovanni Forni (Maryland University), Antonio Giorgilli (Milano), Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (College de France Paris).

The courses :

1) Periodic approximation in measurbale dynamics and surface homeomorphisms : Frederic Leroux (Orsay Univesity Paris).

2) Fast periodic approximations and constructions by successive conjugations. Bassam Fayad (Paris 13) and Anatole Katok (PSU).

3) Quasi-peridoic cocycles with Liuovillean frequencies. Raphael Krikorian (Paris 6) and Jairo Bochi (PUC Rio de Janeiro).

4) Julia sets with positive measure. Xavier Buff (Toulouse) and Arnaud Cheritat (Toulouse).

To register, participants are kindly requested to fill the on-line form :

and mention whether they will need financial support. It is important to note that the deadline for registrations asking for financial support is December 1st 2009, while registration without financial support requested is open until December 15.

Winter school in Complex Analysis and Geometry
Institut de Mathematiques de Toulouse
January 25-29, 2010

The school will consist of four courses :

-"Transfinite diameter and equilibrium measures", by S. BOUCKSOM (Paris)
-"Lee-Yang zeros and 2D rational dynamics", by M. LYUBICH (Stony Brook)
-"Complex methods in symplectic topology", by A. SUKHOV (Lille)
-"Bergman kernels in complex geometry", by D. VAROLIN (Stony Brook)

Everyone interested is welcome. We may have some funds to partially support PhD students and PostDocs, don't hesitate to contact us.

The school will be followed up by KAWA 1.1, a

Workshop in Complex Analysis and Geometry
January 29-31, 2010
in Albi, FRANCE

We welcome proposals for talks for this workshop.

The beautiful town of Albi ( is one hour drive (or train ride) away from Toulouse. The conference will take place in the "Grand Hotel d'Orleans" (, not far from the train station.

More information can be found on the website
where you are encouraged to register. The deadline for registering is October 15.

The organizers,

Vincent Guedj (Aix-Marseille)
Joaquim Ortega-Cerda (Barcelona)
Pascal J. Thomas (Toulouse)

Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
November 23-27, 2009

The scope of the conference will be wide, but it will emphasize specific problems in dynamical systems, smooth ergodic theory, and related topics, including differential geometry, group theory and number theory, to name a few, that have seen much progress, but where significant problems vital to the field remain open. Specific examples are the Katok entropy rigidity conjecture for geodesic flows of negatively curved manifolds, the Boltzmann ergodic hypothesis, Liouvillean phenomena, the construction of metrics with ergodic geodesic flow, smooth rigidity of actions of abelian groups of higher rank. We will honor Anatole Katok on the occasion of his 65th

The conference will act as a catalyst for research in mathematics and its applications, providing a venue for established scholars to interact - not only with each other, but also with the junior scholars that will play an essential role now and in the years to come. Accordingly, there will be an emphasis on involving young mathematicians in dynamical systems.

Limited support for participants is expected to be available. Recent recipients of doctoral degrees, women, and members of traditionally underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

For more information and registration please consult

Scientific Program Committee
Boris Hasselblatt
Francois Ledrappier
Yakov Pesin
Jean-Paul Thouvenot
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz

Organizing Committee
Bassam Fayad
Raphael Krikorian
Patrice Le Calvez
Feliks Przytycki
Jean Francois Quint

University of Illinois at Chicago
November 6-8, 2009

The lectures will begin Friday at 3 pm with the department colloquium and finish at lunchtime on Sunday. This year's speakers will be

Lewis Bowen, Texas A&M University
Alex Clark, University of Leicester
Moon Duchin, University of Michigan
Alexander Fish, University of Wisconsin
Bryna Kra, Northwestern University
Justin Moore, Cornell University
Kevin Pilgrim, Indiana University
Roland Roeder, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Christian Rosendal, University of Illinois at Chicago
Nimish Shah, Ohio State University

FUNDING. The conference is funded by an NSF grant, administered through IUPUI (Bruce Kitchens, PI, and Rodrigo Perez, Co-PI). A portion of the grant has been reserved to assist participants with travel and accommodation.  As our funding is limited, we ask that you cover your own expenses if you have other sources.

Local organizing committee:

Laura DeMarco
Alex Furman
Steve Hurder

Penn State University Park Campus
October 29 - November 1, 2009

All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building) at the Penn State University Park campus.

The second MICHAEL BRIN PRIZE in DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS will be awarded on Saturday, October 31. Saturday afternoon session will feature the award ceremony and two talks dedicated to the award winning work and other achievements of the winner.

Friday, October 30 afternoon session will feature four talks on recent advances in celestial mechanics and Hamiltonian dynamics.

Several full length talks will be given by very young mathematicians who will present their outstanding recent work.

This workshop has been hosted each fall since 1991 by Penn State University and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.

Anatole Katok
Svetlana Katok

Requests for reimbursement of local expenses will be considered by the organizers. If you decided to participate in the conference, please, retrieve the Registration Form from the website at:

Department of Mathematics, Penn State, University Park
October 23rd, 2009

Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio de Giorgi
October 12-16, 2009

If you plan to participate, please register online by filling the online form

Scientific Committee:
Louis Boutet de Monvel (Univ. Paris 6)
Dominique Cerveau (Univ. Rennes 1)
Stefano Marmi (SNS Pisa)
Takahiro Kawai (RIMS, Kyoto Univ.)

Organizing Committee:
Ovidiu Costin (Ohio State Univ.),
Frederic Fauvet (Univ. Strasbourg),
Frederic Menous (Univ. Paris-Sud Orsay),
David Sauzin (CNRS Paris-SNS Pisa),

Scientific themes:
- Local analytic dynamics
- Small denominator problems
- Divergent series, transseries, summability theories
- Resurgent functions, alien calculus, mould calculus
- Analytic PDEs
- Classification of singular geometric structures
- Applications to semi-classical quantum mechanics and perturbative Quantum Field Theory

CRM de Giorgi, affiliated with the Scuola Normale Superiore, is situated in the center of Pisa; an international airport, operating both regular and lowcost airlines is on the outskirts of the town. For practical information, see ion.html

If you plan to attend the conference, we advise that you book your room far in advance (the staff of the CRM can, on request, provide  the registered participants with a list of hotels which have rates related to its activities; you may write to or

Meals at the nearby Scuola Normale's cafeteria will be offered to all the participants. We might be able to provide financial support for the accommodation of some participants.

Please don't hesitate to contact any of us for additional information you might wish to have and feel free to communicate this announcement around you.

We very much look forward to seeing you next October, for this meeting on  Mathematics and Theoretical Physics in Tuscany!

IMPAN, Będlewo, Poland
September 21-26, 2009

Organizers: K. Baranski, F. Przytycki (chair), S. van Strien.

Scientific Committee:
Kari Astala, Walter Bergweiler, Antonios Bisbas, Nuria Fagella, Carsten Lunde Petersen, Feliks Przytycki, Stanislav Smirnov, Sebastian van Strien, Michel Zinsmeister

Topics include interval and holomorphic dynamics, analysis on metric spaces, scaling limits, and other topics of CODY (not only conformal). Every participant is invited to give a short communication or to present a poster.
