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* Starred papers have appeared in the journal cited.

Authors: Sylvain Crovisier, Mikhail Lyubich, Enrique Pujals, Jonguk Yang
Renormalization of Unicritical Diffeomorphisms of the Disk

We introduce a class of infinitely renormalizable, unicritical diffeomorphisms of the disk (with a non-degenerate "critical point"). In this class of dynamical systems, we show that under renormalization, maps eventually become Hénon-like, and then converge super-exponentially fast to the space of one-dimensional unimodal maps. We also completely characterize the local geometry of every stable and… ▽ More


Yusheng Luo, Yongquan Zhang
On quasiconformal non-equivalence of gasket Julia sets and limit sets

This paper studies quasiconformal non-equivalence of Julia sets and limit sets. We proved that any Julia set is quasiconformally different from the Apollonian gasket. We also proved that any Julia set of a quadratic rational map is quasiconformally different from the gasket limit set of a geometrically finite Kleinian group.

Submitted 19 February, 2024; originally announced February 2024.


Yusheng Luo, Mikhail Lyubich, Sabyasachi Mukherjee
A general dynamical theory of Schwarz reflections, B-involutions, and algebraic correspondences

In this paper, we study matings of (anti-)polynomials and Fuchsian, reflection groups as Schwarz reflections, B-involutions or as (anti-)holomorphic correspondences, as well as their parameter spaces. We prove the existence of matings of generic (anti-)polynomials, such as periodically repelling, or geometrically finite (anti-)polynomials, with circle maps arising from the corresponding groups. These matings emerge naturally as degenerate (anti-)polynomial-like maps, and we show that the corresponding parameter space slices for such matings bear strong resemblance with parameter spaces of polynomial maps. Furthermore, we provide algebraic descriptions for these matings, and construct algebraic correspondences that combine generic (anti-)polynomials and genus zero orbifolds in a common dynamical plane, providing a new concrete evidence to Fatou's vision of a unified theory of groups and maps.

Submitted 31 July, 2024; originally announced August 2024.


Shaun Bullett, Luna Lomonaco, Mikhail Lyubich, Sabyasachi Mukherjee
Mating parabolic rational maps with Hecke groups

We prove that any degree d rational map having a parabolic fixed point of multiplier 1 with a fully invariant and simply connected immediate basin of attraction is mateable with the Hecke group Hd+1, with the mating realized by an algebraic correspondence. This solves the parabolic version of the Bullett-Freiberger Conjecture from 2003 on mateability between rational maps and Hecke groups. The proof is in two steps. The first is the construction of a pinched polynomial-like map which is a mating between a parabolic rational map and a parabolic circle map associated to the Hecke group. The second is lifting this pinched polynomial-like map to an algebraic correspondence via a suitable branched covering.

Submitted 20 July, 2024; originally announced July 2024.


Yusheng Luo, Yongquan Zhang
Disk patterns, quasi-duality and the uniform bounded diameter conjecture

We show that the diameter of the image of the skinning map on the deformation space of an acylindrical reflection group is bounded by a constant depending only on the topological complexity of the components of its boundary, answering a conjecture of Minsky in the reflection group setting. This result can be interpreted as a uniform rigidity theorem for disk patterns. Our method also establishes a connection between the diameter of the skinning image and certain discrete extremal width on the Coxeter graph of the reflection group.

Submitted 19 August, 2024; originally announced August 2024.


Sylvain Crovisier, Mikhail Lyubich, Enrique Pujals, Jonguk Yang
A Priori Bounds for Hénon-like Renormalization

We formulate and prove a priori bounds for the renormalization of Hénon-like maps (under certain regularity assumptions). This provides a certain uniform control on the small-scale geometry of the dynamics, and ensures pre-compactness of the renormalization sequence. In a sequel to this paper, a priori bounds are used in the proof of the main results, including renormalization convergence, finite-time checkability of the required regularity conditions and regular unicriticality of the dynamics.

Submitted 20 November, 2024; originally announced November 2024.


Sylvain Crovisier, Mikhail Lyubich, Enrique Pujals, Jonguk Yang
Quantitative Estimates on Invariant Manifolds for Surface Diffeomorphisms

We carry out a detailed quantitative analysis on the geometry of invariant manifolds for smooth dissipative systems in dimension two. We begin by quantifying the regularity of any orbit (finite or infinite) in the phase space with a set of explicit inequalities. Then we relate this directly to the quasi-linearization of the local dynamics on regular neighborhoods of this orbit. The parameters of regularity explicitly determine the sizes of the regular neighborhoods and the smooth norms of the corresponding regular charts. As a corollary, we establish the existence of smooth stable and center manifolds with uniformly bounded geometries for regular orbits independently of any pre-existing invariant measure. This provides us with the technical background for the renormalization theory of Hénon-like maps developed in the sequel papers.

Submitted 20 November, 2024; originally announced November 2024.


Laurent Bartholdi, Dzmitry Dudko, Kevin M. Pilgrim
Correspondences on Riemann surfaces and non-uniform hyperbolicity

We consider certain analytic correspondences on a Riemann surface, and show that they admit a weak form of expansion. In terms of their algebraic encoding by bisets, this translates to contraction of group elements along sequences arising from iterated lifting. As an application, we show that for every non-exceptional rational map on P1 with 4 post-critical points, there is a finite collection of isotopy classes of curves into which every curve eventually lands under iterated lifting.

Submitted 22 July, 2024; originally announced July 2024.


Araceli Bonifant, John Milnor
Cubic Polynomial Maps with Periodic Critical Orbit, Part III: Tessellations and Orbit Portraits

We study the parameter space Sp for cubic polynomial maps with a marked critical point of period p. We will outline a fairly complete theory as to how the dynamics of the map F changes as we move around the parameter space Sp. For every escape region E⊂Sp, every parameter ray in E with rational parameter angle lands at some uniquely defined point in the boundary ∂E. This landing point is necessarily either a parabolic map or a Misiurewicz map. The relationship between parameter rays and dynamic rays is formalized by the period q tessellation of Sp, where maps in the same face of this tessellation always have the same period q orbit portrait.

Submitted 11 March, 2025; originally announced March 2025.


Yan Mary He, Homin Lee, Insung Park
Pressure metrics in geometry and dynamics

For a post-critically finite hyperbolic rational map f, we show that the Julia set Jf has Ahlfors-regular conformal dimension one if and only if f is a crochet map, i.e., there is an f-invariant graph G containing the post-critical set such that f|G has topological entropy zero. We use finite subdivision rules to obtain graph virtual endomorphisms, which are 1-dimensional simplifications of post-critically finite rational maps, and approximate the asymptotic conformal energies of the graph virtual endomorphisms to estimate the Ahlfors-regular conformal dimensions. In particular, we develop an idea of reducing finite subdivision rules and prove the monotonicity of asymptotic conformal energies under the decomposition of rational maps.

