The Institute for Mathematical Sciences (IMS), founded in 1989, is closely allied to the Stony Brook Mathematics Department.  The Institute's Director is Mikhail Lyubich; its Co-Director is John Milnor, a 1962 Fields Medalist, and the winner of the 1989 Wolf Prize and 2011 Abel Prize.  Dennis Sullivan, an Institute member, is a winner of the 2010 Wolf Prize and the 2022 Abel Prize.  The Institute's primary research focus has been on Dynamical Systems with an emphasis on the low-dimensional real and complex cases.  With Oleg Viro joining the Institute, Low-Dimensional Topology has become another important direction of research at the IMS. Our most recent faculty is Dzmitry Dudko.
Permanent Faculty

Milnor Lecturers


           Newton's rabbit


Current Visitors




Many Friends, a Collage  About the IMS, a short movie 


Jack Milnor 

John Milnor
Winner of the 2011 Abel Prize


Celebrating John Milnor
Simon Donaldson
SCGP News Volume XVI, pp. 8-9


Dennis Sullivan

Winner of the 2022 Abel Prize




Misha Lyubich

Quanta Magazine article profiles Lyubich and Dudko


Arnold Mathematical Journal  

Honoring the work of Vladimir Arnold, this journal presents mathematical research in accessible, always interesting form.

This journal presents interdisciplinary results in mathematics, in a style that is understandable and always interesting. Articles use formal and informal approaches to express sophisticated concepts, aiming to “unhide” the process of mathematical discovery.

The International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul Korea 2014

Press Releases Videos
*  John Milnor, Abel Lecture *  John Milnor, Topology Through Four Centuries
​*  James Simons, My Life in Mathematics            *  James Simons, My Life in Mathematics
*  Artur Avila, Fields Medalist *  Artur Avila (Laudation by Etienne Ghys), From "Regular or Stochastic" to the "Spectral Dichotomy"
  *  Mikhail Lyubich, "Analytic Low-Dimensional Dynamics" from dimension one to two
  *  Jeremy Kahn & Vladimir Markovic,  The surface subgroup and the Ehrenepreis conjectures