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San Martino al Cimino (Viterbo, Italy)
September 6-12, 2009

The meeting will cover the following subjects:

(dynamical systems, their stability and evolution);

(dynamics of solar system bodies and of stellar interactions);

(motion of spacecrafts for near-Earth and interplanetary missions).

CELMEC V contributions (both oral and poster) can be submitted for publication in the special issue of "Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy" devoted to the meeting (***all papers will be refereed***). The submission deadline is 1 November 2009. See:

People interested in partecipating (including the invited speakers) are kindly requested to register before

*** 15 APRIL 2009 ***

A limited number of fellowships covering the living expenses is available. Interest people can send a request together with the CV and the list of publications.

The organizing committee is composed by

* Alessandra Celletti - Dipt. di Matematica, Univ. di Roma "Tor Vergata"
* Antonio Giorgilli - Dipartimento di Matematica, Univ. di Milano
* Ettore Perozzi - Progetti Scientific - Telespazio Spa, Roma
* Giovanni B. Valsecchi - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - IASF, Roma

Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn
July 20 - 24, 2009

The members of the organizing committee are:

* Kolyada, Sergiy (Institute of Mathematics of the NASU, Ukraine)
* Kra, Bryna (Northwestern University, US)
* Manin, Yuri (MPIM & Northwestern University, US)
* Mueller, Martin (MPIM)
* Moree, Pieter (MPIM)
* Ward, Thomas (University of East Anglia, UK)
* Zagier, Don (College de France & MPIM)

If you would like to participate, then please send a message to Sergii Koliada or Pieter Moree. We hope to be able to provide accommodation for all participants. We can provide financial support to a few more participants. It is also planned to invite some excellent young scientists (Postdocs, Junior Faculty), who want to carry out their research and to take part in the activity. If you are interested please write to Sergii Koliada or Pieter Moree.

School-Conference in Complex Analysis and Geometry
CIRM, Marseille, FRANCE
July 13-17, 2009

Organizers :
Eric Bedford (Indiana University, USA)
Bernard Coupet (Universite de Provence)
Herve Gaussier (Univ. Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France)
Alexandre Sukhov (Univ. Lille 1, France)

The aim of the School-Conference is to present recent developments in Complex Analysis and Geometry, covering a large spectrum of the field.

The School will consist of three courses, given by :

- Professor Bo Berndtsson from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
- Professor Tien-Cuong Dinh from University Paris 6, France
- Professor Stefan Nemirovsky from Steklov Institute, Russia.

CIRM in Luminy (France)
June 22 - 26, 2009

We shall try to follow the tradition of the conference on a similar subject held in Luminy in 2003. In particular, we are planning to have four one-hour talks a day: two talks in the morning (at 10:00 and at 11:15) and two talks in the afternoon (16:00 and 17:15) keeping Thursday afternoon free.

We hope that a schedule of four one-hour lectures a day would leave enough time for direct contacts and discussions and for exploring the beauty of the natural park of Luminy, of its mountains, and of its famous calanques (Mediterranean fjords).

A short school (Thursday-Friday-Saturday, June 18-20) preceding the conference destined to young researchers (mostly graduate students) is intended to help them to get prepared for the conference.

For further details, see the conference webpage:

Hoping to see you in Luminy this summer
A. Eskin, P. Hubert, E. Lanneau, A. Zorich

Imperial College London
June 16 - 25, 2009

Mathematical research on resonance oscillations in nonsmooth systems has seen a steady growth in attention lately, and due to recent progress a number of technically relevant open problems concerning resonances of nonsmooth mechanical and physical systems have become in reach of being resolved. The object of the meeting is to explore the current power and open problems of the theory of resonance oscillations and stability of nonsmooth systems (Lipschitz, discontinuous, impulsive) by bringing together different research groups working in the field as well as by organizing discussions with relevant industrial experts. The first part of the workshop (four days: 16-19 June) will be formal, with a full schedule of invited and contributed talks. In contrast, the 2nd part (four days: 22-25 June) will be more informal, with discussion sessions on specific problems aimed at developing new research collaborations.

Dynamics and Complex Geometry II
CIRM in Luminy (France)
June 15 - 19, 2009

Organized by: Henry de Thelin, Tien-Cuong Dinh and Christophe Dupont.

The main themes of the conference will be

1. Dynamics of rational maps in several variables.
2. Holomorphic foliations.
3. Complex Geometry.

If our funds allow it, we will try to cover your local expenses (travel expenses will not be covered).

The meeting will be an opportunity to bring together people working in various aspects of complex geometry and of several complex variables dynamical systems.

Stony Brook University
June 8 - 13, 2009

The conference will include topics such as real and holomorphic one- and two-dimensional dynamics, conservative low-dimensional dynamics, and the Teichmüller flow.

The Organizing Committee:

Araceli Bonifant
Misha Lyubich
Marco Martens
John Milnor
Scott Sutherland

Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
May 27 - 30, 2009

Scientific Committee:
   L. Carleson, H. Eliasson, K. Johansson, P. Jones, M. Lyubich, S. Smirnov

Organizing Committe:
   K. Bjerklov, A. Karlsson, M. Saprykina, S. Smirnov

Nahariya, Israel
May 18-22, 2009

The conference will be devoted to the interaction between various branches of Mathematical Analysis. The main themes will be Complex Dynamical Systems and Loewner Equations, Geometric Function Theory, Hyperbolic Geometry, Partial Differential Equations, Pseudodifferential Operators, Differential Geometry, General Relativity and Einstein Equations.

We intend to publish the Proceeding of the Conference in the AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series.


For registration: April 1, 2009
For submitting abstracts: March 1, 2009

Scientific Committee:

Mark Agranovsky, Bar-Ilan University
Matania Ben-Artzi, Hebrew University
Greg Galloway, University of Miami
Lavi Karp, ORT Braude College
Simeon Reich, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
David Shoikhet, ORT Braude College
Gilbert Weinstein, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Lawrence Zalcman, Bar-Ilan University

Department of Mathematics, University of North Texas, Denton TX
May 17-23, 2009

Dynamical Systems II, Denton 2009 will encompasses a wide range of areas within dynamical systems including conformal, holomorphic, transcendental and random systems, and applications of the thermodynamic formalism to such systems. The aim of the conference is to bring together leading researchers working in these fields to establish the state of the art, as well as to discuss recent achievements and challenges for the future. The conference is sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the University of North Texas and will take place on the UNT campus May 18-23, 2009. Researchers and graduate students are invited to apply. The deadline for registration is March 30, 2009.

Plenary speakers:

W. Bergweiler
D. Hensley
Y. Kifer
M. J. Pacifico
J. Rivera-Letelier
H. H. Rugh
G. Stallard

Organizing Committee:

M. Urbanski, M. Douglass, T. Das, S. Muir, B. Skorulski

Web page:
