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Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France
May 11-15,2009

The purpose of this conference is to bring together mathematicians working on different aspects of ergodic theory. The main topics are:

* entropy and classification;
* smooth models;
* rigidity phenomena in ergodic theory;
* interaction with combinatorics and number theory;
* convergence and recurrence theorems;
* nilpotent ergodic theory.

We will also use the opportunity to honor Jean-Paul Thouvenot, who has recently retired from CNRS, and his major contributions to the development of French ergodic theory.

The conference is partially supported by grants from the NSF and several French universities.

Sientific Committee:
Yves Derriennic, Yves Guivarc'h, Bryna Kra, Francois Ledrappier, Francois Parreau, Benjamin Weiss.
Organisation Committee:
Bernard Host, Raphael Krikorian, Emmanuel Lesigne, Thierry de la Rue.

University of Maryland, College Park, MD
April 4-7, 2009

Conference speakers will include Pavel Bachurin, Alexander Bufetov, Jerome Buzzi, Todd Fisher, Eugene Gutkin, Huyi Hu, Ian Putnam, Omri Sarig, Corinna Ulcigrai, Don Wang, Jeff Xia, and Ke Zhang.

The web site for this conference is:
Please check there for additional information and updates.

NOTE: If any advisors would like to nominate a student to give a short talk, please contact the organizers as soon as possible.

Dmitry Dolgopyat
Brian Hunt

Napoli, Italy
1 April - 6 June, 2009

In particular there will be:
- April 1 - May 15: Preliminary Courses and Talks
- 18-30 May: Advanced School
- 1 -6 June: Final Workshop, Maiori, on the Amalfi Coast

Scientific Committee:
D. Bambusi, M. Berti, V. Coti Zelati, W. Craig, S. Kuksin, G. Wayne.

Confirmed speaker at the moment are:

P. Baldi, D. Bambusi, M. Berti, V. Benci, P. Bolle, L. Biasco, L. Chierchia, J. Colliander, C.Q. Cheng, V. Coti Zelati, W. Craig, N. Dancer, P. D'Ancona, R. De La Llave, A. Delshams, I. Ekeland, H. Eliasson, D. Fortunato, G. Gentile, P. Gerard, V. Georgiev, B. Grabert, M. Groves, G. Iooss, T. Kappeler, A. Kiselev, S. B. Kuksin, A. Malchiodi, A. Portaluri, M. Procesi, P. Rabinowitz (to be confirmed), A. Sorrentino, S. Terracini, J. Toland, C. Viterbo., A. Volberg, F. Zanolin, E. J. Zehnder, W.M. Wang.

Deadline for registration and for asking finantial support: 1 March 2009.

This activity is supported by ERC (European Research Council) and INDAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica)

University of Warwick
30 March - 3 April 2009

CODY Marie-Curie network meeting

Organiser: Sebastian van Strien
Scientific Committee: Feliks Przytycki, Michel Zinsmeister

Ergodic Theory
University of Surrey
16-20 March 2009

UK Dynamical Systems Graduate School 2008-2009

Henk Bruin (
Ian Melbourne (
Cor Kraaikamp (Delft)
Ian Melbourne (Surrey)
Roland Zweimueller (Vienna)

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
March 7-11, 2009

As a consequence of some other events here in Gainesville the Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference has some early deadlines this year.

January 20: Deadline for lodging at conference rates.
February 21: Deadline for abstract submission.
February 21: Deadline for preregistration.
March 7-9: STDC09 in Gainesville, FL.

For more information see the conference web pages at

Banff Alberta, Canada
March 1 - 6, 2009

The workshop will begin on Monday morning, and end on Friday mid-day.

Organizers: Eric Bedford (Indiana University)
Jeffrey Diller (University of Notre Dame)

Banff Alberta, Canada
January 18 - 23, 2009

The workshop will begin on Monday morning, and end on Friday mid-day.


Konstantin Khanin (University of Toronto)
Howie Weiss (School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology)

Accommodation and meals are provided for the participants for this period, at no cost. The workshop will take place at the BIRS facility at The Banff Centre in Banff, Alberta, Canada.

MSRI, Berkeley CA
November 3 - 7, 2008

Organized by: Ben Green, Bryna Kra, Emmanuel Lesigne, Anthony Quas, Mate Wierdl

Penn State University (Park campus)
October 23-26, 2008

All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister Building) at the Penn State University Park campus. The workshop is funded by an NSF grant. Additional funding is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.


Yakov Pesin
Omri Sarig

Geometry Special Session organized by Dmitri Burago will take place on Sunday, October 26
