The purpose of this conference is to bring together mathematicians working on different aspects of ergodic theory. The main topics are:
* entropy and classification;
* smooth models;
* rigidity phenomena in ergodic theory;
* interaction with combinatorics and number theory;
* convergence and recurrence theorems;
* nilpotent ergodic theory.
We will also use the opportunity to honor Jean-Paul Thouvenot, who has recently retired from CNRS, and his major contributions to the development of French ergodic theory.
The conference is partially supported by grants from the NSF and several French universities.
Sientific Committee:
Yves Derriennic, Yves Guivarc'h, Bryna Kra, Francois Ledrappier, Francois Parreau, Benjamin Weiss.
Organisation Committee:
Bernard Host, Raphael Krikorian, Emmanuel Lesigne, Thierry de la Rue.