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Penn State University Park
October 21-24, 2010

The 21st Fall meeting of the Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics will take place on October 21 - 24, 2010. All lectures will be at the Mathematics Department (McAllister building) at the Penn State University Park campus.

This workshop first met at Penn State University in the spring of 1991. It has been hosted by Penn State University each fall since then, and each spring since 1992 by the University of Maryland, and is jointly sponsored by the two institutions. The basic funding of the workshop is provided by an NSF grant. Additional funding for this meeting, is provided by the Center for Dynamics and Geometry at Penn State.

Anatole Katok (
Svetlana Katok (
Vadim Kaloshin (

Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN), Warsaw, Poland
1 October - 10 December 2010

Local organisers: Krzysztof Baranski (University of Warsaw), Feliks Przytycki (Polish Academy of Sciences), Michal Rams (Polish Academy of Sciences)

The event is a part of the activities of the Marie-Curie Research Training Network Conformal Structures and Dynamics (CODY) and the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (IMPAN). The mini-semester will concern all the topics of CODY, though we shall concentrate mainly on topics in which Warsaw team (in cooperation with other teams) is involved. These include:

Iterated function systems, deterministic and random, conformal or non-conformal; methods of thermodynamical formalism. Iteration of analytic maps, Julia sets. Conformal and Hausdorff measures and dimensions for various classes of Julia sets. Harmonic measures. Low-dimensional dynamics.

We plan a number of lectures by invited speakers and two or three workshops, held in the IMPAN Institute in Warsaw. The already scheduled workshops are:

Fractals in deterministic and random dynamics
(11-16 October 2010)
organisers: M. Rams and J. Schmeling

Low-dimensional dynamics
(15-20 November 2010)
organisers: F. Przytycki, S. van Strien and M. Zinsmeister

We have financial means to cover local costs for a considerable number of participants, to participate in the workshops and also to come for a longer stay.

All participants are kindly asked to fill in the registration form on the conference web page.

University of Strasbourg
September 2-4, 2010

Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterra, Spain
June 28 - July 3, 2010

Call for Applications/Papers -

Chairs: Shigeyuki Morita, University of Tokyo, JP; Robert C. Penner University of Aarhus, DK & USC, US & Athanase Papadopoulos, Strasbourg University, FR

This ESF-EMS-ERCOM Conference aims to highlight some of the most important advances in Teichmüller theory. This theory will be considered both from the geometric point of view (Thurston's theory and its ramifications) and from the analytic point of view (the Ahlfors-Bers theory and its ramifications). The relation with physics will also be emphasized.

Conference topics will include: Weil-Petersson geometry and other metric structures; mapping class groups and their representation theory; rigidity theory; infinite-dimensional Teichmüller spaces; relations with dynamical systems; relations with number theory and probability theory; invatiants of 3- and 4-manifolds; moduli spaces of flat connections; cluster algebras and quantization. In addition to specialized talks, there will be several survey talks given by leading experts in the field. Young researchers are particularly encouraged to participate, and graduate students in the field are also welcome.

A good number of grants are available for young researchers to cover the conference fee and possibly part of the travel costs. Grant requests should be made by ticking appropriate field(s) in the paragraph "Grant application" of the application form.

Full conference programme and application form are accessible online from

City University of New York Graduate Center
June 7 - 11, 2010

Thomas Scanlon will give a series of five introductory lectures on the use of model theory in algebraic dynamics.

Organizers: Thomas Tucker, Thomas Scanlon, Joseph Silverman, Lucien Szpiro

Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario, Canada
May 17 - 21, 2010

Nipissing University will offer a Workshop on Recent Advances in Topological and Measure-Theoretic Methods in Dynamical Systems in order to bring researchers and students in these areas together for a five-day series of workshops. The workshops will be jointly supported by the National Science Foundation (funding recommended, but final approval pending) and the Fields Institute, and will be held at Nipissing~Rs pleasant campus in North Bay, Ontario, Canada, May 17-21, 2010.

Over the last 30 years, there have been many developments that have increased the interaction among topology, measure theory, and dynamical systems. Pending NSF support will be used for at least 10 US-based students and recent PhDs to attend the workshops. The workshops will provide the opportunity for recently trained professional mathematicians and students to prepare for research in areas in which current developments are moving rapidly at the intersection point of topology, measure theory, and dynamics. Major speakers with international reputations have been selected who are active in these research areas. Please see the website below:

University of Maryland, College Park
April 10-13, 2010

The Spring 2010 meeting of the Maryland-Penn State Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Related Topics will be held in honor of Dan Rudolph in celebration of his 60th birthday.

The meeting will be Saturday - Tuesday April 10-13, 2010. The conference web page will be

University of Warwick
March 22 - 25, 2010

The plan is to bring together people working on different aspects of the dynamics of rational maps on the Riemann sphere. All those interested in this area are encouraged to register. Accommodation for those connected with the CODY Network will be covered by University of Warwick node.

Organizers: Davoud Cheraghi, Sebastian van Strien.

University of Maryland at College Park
March 4 - 7, 2010

The school is targeted at the advanced graduate students, with a background in Hamiltonian systems.

There will be four courses of 3-4 hours each, listed in alphabetical order:

First course is by Jacques Fejoz:
Periodic and quasiperiodic motions in the N body problem.

This class is devoted to KAM theory to the N body problem and related questions.

Second course is by Mark Levi
Collision and choreographies

This class is devoted to variational principles and its application to find break orbits (Seifert's), Stormer's problem. Possible applications of Gromov's non--squeezing theorem in celestial mechanics and optics.

Third course is by Richard Montgomery
N body problem: geometric, variational and topological approaches.

This class is devoted to discussion of Open questions, including ``the Oldest Question''. Variational methods and the figure eight. These ideas could be applicable to some designer orbits. Discussion of McGehee blow-up, some of Moeckel's results, Albouy coordinates along with hyperbolic pants will be given.

Fourth course is by Ke Zhang and Jinxin Xue.
Averaging and long time stability for the N body problem.

This class is devoted to applicability of averaging to the N body problem. Part of the class will be devoted to Treschev's method of continuous averaging.

The conference is funded by NSF and we can cover lodging of participants. Some assistance with travel expenses of Ph.D students can be provided.

Organizers: Joseph Galante and Vadim Kaloshin

The details can be found on the website
