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Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY
May 26 - June 4, 2011

The Conference will cover various areas of Dennis Sullivan's interests, and will be structured as a series of coherent mini-programs centered around a set of mini-courses.

* Diffeomorphism groups from a homotopical viewpoint (Ib Madsen, University of Copenhagen)
* QFT and string theory (Kevin Costello, Northwestern University)
* Rational homotopy theory (John Morgan, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics)
* Fluid Dynamics (Alexander Shnirelman, Concordia University)
* Rough Geometry (Bruce Kleiner, Courant Institute)
* Renormalization (Artur Avila, CNRS and IMPA, and Misha Lyubich, IMS)
* Sullivan's Dictionary (Dick Canary, University of Michigan)

For more information please visit the webpage of the conference:

Scientific Committee: John Milnor, Curt McMullen, Jim Stasheff, and all mini-course speakers.

Local organizers: Araceli Bonifant, Joshua Bowman, Misha Lyubich

Universite Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, France
May 23-27, 2011

J. Athreya, P-.E. Caprace, M. Einsiedler, A. Erschler, A. Gorodnick, Y. Guivarch, V. Kaimanovich, D. Kleinbock, E. Lindenstrauss, J. Marklof, N. Monod, A. Nevo, H. Oh, J.-F. Quint, N. Shah, Y. Shalom, A. Wienhard.

Scientific Committee:
Y. Benoist, F. Ledrappier, G. Margulis, S. Mozes

E. Breuillard, F. Dal'Bo, F. Labourie, F. Paulin, B. Weiss

Porquerolles, France
May 1-7, 2011

Organizers:  Arnaud Cheritat, Xavier Buff and Patrick Bernard

Northwestern University, Evanston
April 27 - May 1, 2011

Northwestern University, Evanston IL
February 24-25, 2011

BIRS and Banff Conference Centre, Alberta, CA
February 20-26, 2011

The conference will be held at the Banff Center, with some participants staying at the adjacent Banff International Research Station.


    To foster interaction among researchers in holomorphic dynamics and allied fields such as several complex variables, Teichmüller theory, self-similar groups, arithmetic dynamics, symbolic dynamics, hyperbolic and algebraic geometry, statistical physics, etc.
    To use this interaction for designing new mathematical tools that can aid in the progress in holomorphic dynamics, especially in understanding and building models of multi-dimensional parameter spaces.
    To involve graduate students and younger researchers into discussions with more senior mathematicians. This interaction will be beneficial for their scientific growth, and will inject new fresh ideas into the field.
    To celebrate John Milnor's 80th birthday: his influence on the field of holomorphic dynamics cannot be overestimated.

For more information about the conference please visit our web-page

Araceli Bonifant, Misha Lyubich, Scott Sutherland

CIRM (Luminy, France)
January 31, 2011 - February 5, 2011

The school will consist of three courses :

    "Kahler Geometry and convexity" by Bo Berndtsson,
    "The Cremona group" by Charles Favre,
    "Hardy spaces of Dirichlet series and function theory on polydiscs" by Kristian Seip.

The school will be followed up by KAWA 2.1, a Workshop in Complex Analysis and Geometry.

The workshop will consist in a dozen of 45' talks. We welcome proposals for talks for this workshop.

The Winterschool will start on Monday morning, the 31st of January 2011, and will end right after lunch, Thursday the 3rd of February 2011. The Workshop will start Thursday the 3rd of February 2011 in the afternoon and end Saturday the 5th. Both events will be hosted by CIRM, in the campus of Luminy (Marseille, France), see and it will be part of the thematic month "Complex and Riemannian Geometry" see

More information can be found on the website

The organizers,
Vincent Guedj (Aix-Marseille)
Joaquim Ortega-Cerda (Barcelona)
Pascal J. Thomas (Toulouse)

Universidade do Porto, Oporto, Portugal
January 18-21, 2011

The Organizing Committee:
  Manuela Aguiar
  Susana Pinheiro
  Helena Reis

The Scientific Committee:
  Felipe Cano (Univ. Valladolid, Spain)
  Jean-Francois Mattei (Univ. Toulouse, France)
  Julio Rebelo (Univ. Toulouse, France)
  Helena Reis (Univ. Porto, Portugal)

University of Warwick
December 13-17, 2010

IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland
November 8 - 13, 2010

This workshop is part of the CODY Autumn in Warsaw mini-semester.

There is a link from that web page to the registration form - the deadline for registration is 25th July. The registration form gives you the option of offering a talk for the workshop. We also expect to run a poster session at some point during the week.

There is funding from CODY to support some local expenses for some participants.

Janina Kotus
Phil Rippon
Gwyneth Stallard
