The Conference will cover various areas of Dennis Sullivan's interests, and will be structured as a series of coherent mini-programs centered around a set of mini-courses.
* Diffeomorphism groups from a homotopical viewpoint (Ib Madsen, University of Copenhagen)
* QFT and string theory (Kevin Costello, Northwestern University)
* Rational homotopy theory (John Morgan, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics)
* Fluid Dynamics (Alexander Shnirelman, Concordia University)
* Rough Geometry (Bruce Kleiner, Courant Institute)
* Renormalization (Artur Avila, CNRS and IMPA, and Misha Lyubich, IMS)
* Sullivan's Dictionary (Dick Canary, University of Michigan)
For more information please visit the webpage of the conference:
Scientific Committee: John Milnor, Curt McMullen, Jim Stasheff, and all mini-course speakers.
Local organizers: Araceli Bonifant, Joshua Bowman, Misha Lyubich