To have your message posted here, send an email to

Murcia, Spain
January 28 - February 1, 2013

As in the previous editions the School will consist of three courses:

* Dmitry Dolgopyat (University of Maryland, USA)
   Dynamics of bouncing balls

* Tomasz Downarowicz (Wroclaw University of Technology , Poland)
   Entropy in Ergodic Theory

* Philip Holmes (Princeton University, USA)
   An introduction to mathematical Neuroscience

This a reminder that the periods for registration with reduced fee and applications for financial support end in 5 days (October 14, 2012). If you are interested in participating in the school and/or applying for financial
support, please register as soon as possible.

Lluis Alseda and Enrique Ponce
Coordinators of the DANCE network

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
December 7-9, 2012

This workshop provides an introduction to complex and non-Archimedean dynamics in one variable via lecture series by the speakers below. The workshop will begin on Friday, December 7, 2012 in the afternoon and end on
Sunday, December 9 in the early afternoon.


    Laura DeMarco (University of Illinois at Chicago): Non-Archimedean dynamics and degenerations of complex dynamical systems
    Xander Faber (University of Hawaii): Non-Archimedean dynamics and degenerations of complex dynamical systems
    Thomas Gauthier (University of Picardie and Stony Brook University:) Bifurcation currents in complex dynamics
    William Gignac (University of Michigan): Introduction to the Berkovich projective line
    Yusuke Okuyama(Kyoto Institute of Technology): Equidistribution problems



Register for the Workshop

    Limited funding is available for graduate students and post-docs. Please note your request on the registration form and send an e-mail to Trevor Clark or Mattias Jonsson.

University of Notre Dame
October 26-28, 2012

Format: The talks will start on Friday afternoon Oct 26 at 3 PM and end at noon on Sunday, October 28.
Detailed information is available at the conference website

  Confirmed speakers (so far):
    Guillaume Dreyer
    Romain Dujardin
    Alex Eskin
    Ilya Gekhtman
    Fedirico Rodriguez Hertz
    Vadim Kaimanovich
    Sarah Koch
    Jan-Li Lin
    Rafael de la Llave
    Sergei Tabachnikov
    Amie Wilkinson

  Poster session:
    We would like to give other participants a chance to present their work in poster form during the break (tentatively 4-5:30) on Saturday afternoon.  Please contact one of the organizers if you'd like to contribute a poster.

    In order to help us estimate the number of participants, please fill in these three blanks if you intend to come.

   There will be travel support from the NSF and other sources.  We especially encourage younger attendees to apply.  Support requests received by September 24 will receive a response by Oct 1.  Requests that come later will be
   considered and dealt with after the meeting.

  Best regards from the organizers,
    Jeff Diller ( and
    Francois Ledrappier (

GSD-UAB, Salou, Catalonia, Spain
October 1 - 5, 2012

The registration (including payment) period is already open. You may register in

The deadline for registration is September 15, 2012. Also, the period of registration with reduced fee ends in July 15, 2012.

Unfortunately we only will be able to accept a limited number of participants due to lecture room capacity.

All the participants are invited to submit an abstract proposal for a talk (25 minutes plus questions) or a poster. Due to the fact that there are no parallel sessions there are just few slots for talks. To be able to have a final list of speakers as soon as possible we need to close the period for abstracts submission on April 30, 2012.

All abstracts that cannot be accepted for a talk will be automatically considered for the posters sessions, unless explicitly stated by the author.

The abstracts can be submitted at the page

Young researchers (Ph. D. students or Ph. D. with  thesis dissertation after 01/01/2009) may ask for partial financial support.

The list of abstracts accepted for talks and posters will be made public before May 15, 2012.

There will be proceedings of the conference which will be published in a special volume of "Publicacions MatemУ tiques".

All the available information on these proceedings can be found in

The proceedings submission period is already open until December 31, 2012. All participants are cordially invited to submit a paper or a survey to
this volume.

You can download the poster of the meeting from

Dynamical Systems Group, University of Oviedo, Gijón, Spain
September 3 - 7, 2012

Early registration: 15/02/2012-15/06/2012
Abstracts submission: 15/02/2012-30/04/2012

The conference is organized by the Dynamical Systems Group at the University of Oviedo.The aim is to bring together a broad group of scientists working in the field of dynamical systems on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of Henri Poincaré.

All topics related with dynamical systems are considered but focusing on local and global bifurcations in discrete and continuous dynamical systems, planar vector fields and celestial mechanics.
Applications to real-world problems will be highlighted. The conference will promote the diffusion of recent developments and future perspectives.

There will be ten keynote speakers, sixty-four 30-minutes contributed talks in two parallel sessions and also two poster sessions. Plenary speakers are experts chosen from different areas of Dynamical Systems.

In behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Santiago Ibсёez

Ecole normale Superieure de Lyon
June 4 - 9, 2012

A conference in honor of John Mather's 70th Birthday

This is the first announcement for the conference. People interested should send a mail at conference.mather70 AT to receive the second announcement which will give a link for registration on the web page. We can support some local expenses for some people (mainly room and lunch), however if participants can use their own funds we will be able to support more people. We apologize for multiple copies sent to the same person. Please advertise widely around you.


Sponsors: Ecole Normale Superieure, Labex MiLyon, NSF, Michael Brin
Foundation, Institut Universitaire de Lyon, UMPA, Region Rhine-Alpes.

Confirmed Speakers

Arnaud, Marie-Claude (Avignon)
Bangert, Victor (Freiburg)
Bernard, Patrick (Paris 9)
Bessi, Ugo (Roma)
Bolotin, Sergey (Wisconsin-Madison)
Carneiro, Mario (Belo Horizonte)
Cheng, Chong-Qing (Nanjing University)
Contreras, Gonzalo (Guanajuato)
De la Llave, Rafael (Georgia Tech)
Delshams, Amadeu  (Politicnica de Catalunya)
Du Plessis, Andrew  (Aarhus)
Eliasson, Hakan (Paris 7)
Fefferman, Charles (Princeton)
F?joz, Jacques (Paris 9)
Forni, Giovanni (Maryland)
Iturriaga, Renato (Guanajuato)
Katok, Anatole (PennState)
Khanin, Konstantin (Toronto)
Le Calvez (Paris 6)
Moeckel, Richard (Minnesota)
Polterovich, Leonid (Chicago)
Sorrentino, Alfonso (Cambridge)
Tretschev, Dmitry (Moscow)
Seara, Tere (Barcelona)
Villani, Cedric (Lyon & IHP, Paris)
Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe (College de France)
Young Lai-Sang (Courant)
Ke Zhang (Toronto)

Scientific Committee

Alain Chenciner (Paris 7 et Observatoire)
Albert Fathi (ENS-Lyon & IUF)
Vadim Kaloshin (Maryland)
Dennis Sullivan (CUNY & Stonybrook)
Edi Zehnder (ETH Zurich)

Organizing Committee

Virginia Gallardo-Gonzalves (ENS-Lyon)
Magalie Le Borgne (ENS-Lyon)
Pierre Pageault (ENS-Lyon)
Alfonso Sorrentino (Cambridge)

University of Houston, Medical Center, Hilton, Houston TX
May 14 - 16, 2012

The aim of the workshop is to review progress and potential topics ripe for cross fertilization and development in the areas of probabilistic dynamics, network dynamics and hybrid dynamic systems.  Participants include a core of experts in the modern statistical theory of dynamical systems complemented by experts in specific areas in dynamics and applications (heteroclinic phenomena, cycling chaos, adaptive networks, control, spatially extended systems, and piecewise smooth dynamics).

A priority of the workshop is to involve graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty interested in dynamics and applications.  We anticipate being able to fund travel and accommodation for members of this group (see under support below and note that we expect to know the funding situation in the very near future; we strongly recommend applying now for support).

The workshop will take place at the Hilton, Houston Medical Center.  So as to encourage interactions between participants, there will be no parallel sessions and talks will be structured so as to give ample time for discussion (see also under accommodation below).

Program and Schedule of Talks
    Support (for graduates, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty)
    Workshop Dinner

Organizing Committee

    Sheena Branton
    Michael Field
    Gemunu Gunaratne
    Preethi Gunaratne
    Matthew Nicol
    Andrew Torok

Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
May 7 - 11, 2012

A conference celebrating the work of Mike Shub

Organizing Committee:

Jean-Pierre Dedieu (University Paul Sabatier)
Teresa Krick (Department of Mathematics, University of Buenos Aires)
Charles Pugh (Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University)
Amie Wilkinson (Department of Mathematics, Northwestern University)

Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY
May 26 - June 4, 2011

The Conference will cover various areas of Dennis Sullivan's interests, and will be structured as a series of coherent mini-programs centered around a set of mini-courses.

* Diffeomorphism groups from a homotopical viewpoint (Ib Madsen, University of Copenhagen)
* QFT and string theory (Kevin Costello, Northwestern University)
* Rational homotopy theory (John Morgan, Simons Center for Geometry and Physics)
* Fluid Dynamics (Alexander Shnirelman, Concordia University)
* Rough Geometry (Bruce Kleiner, Courant Institute)
* Renormalization (Artur Avila, CNRS and IMPA, and Misha Lyubich, IMS)
* Sullivan's Dictionary (Dick Canary, University of Michigan)

For more information please visit the webpage of the conference:

Scientific Committee: John Milnor, Curt McMullen, Jim Stasheff, and all mini-course speakers.

Local organizers: Araceli Bonifant, Joshua Bowman, Misha Lyubich

Universite Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, France
May 23-27, 2011

J. Athreya, P-.E. Caprace, M. Einsiedler, A. Erschler, A. Gorodnick, Y. Guivarch, V. Kaimanovich, D. Kleinbock, E. Lindenstrauss, J. Marklof, N. Monod, A. Nevo, H. Oh, J.-F. Quint, N. Shah, Y. Shalom, A. Wienhard.

Scientific Committee:
Y. Benoist, F. Ledrappier, G. Margulis, S. Mozes

E. Breuillard, F. Dal'Bo, F. Labourie, F. Paulin, B. Weiss
