Christopher Bishop
Senior Berwick Prize" |
Christian Schnell
Fellow of the AMS |
William Bernhard
Stony Brook College of Engineering and Applied Sciences Teaching Award |
Samuel Grushevsky
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Mikhail Lyubich
Member of the National Academy of Sciences |
Mark McLean
ICM Invited Lecture |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Abel Prize |
Christian Schnell
Simons Fellowship |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
Simons Fellow in Mathematics |
Simon Donaldson
(Emeritus) Wolf Prize in Mathematics |
Theodore Drivas
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow |
Robert Hough
Sloan Research Fellowship |
Robert Hough
Stony Brook Trustees Faculty Award |
Marcus Khuri
Simons Fellow in Mathematics |
John Milnor
Lomonosov Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences |
Aleksey Zinger
Simons Fellow in Mathematics |
Christopher Bishop
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Christopher Bishop
Simons Fellow in Mathematics |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Simon Donaldson
(Emeritus) Veblen Prize in Geometry |
Theodore Drivas
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow |
Mikhail Lyubich
Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Christopher Bishop
ICM Invited Lecture |
Theodore Drivas
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow |
Claude LeBrun
Simons Fellow in Mathematics |
Dusa McDuff
(Emeritus) Sylvester Medal |
Olga Plamenevskaya
Simons Fellow in Mathematics |
Moira Chas
College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Excellence Award |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow |
Theodore Drivas
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow |
Robert Hough
MAA David P. Robbins Prize |
Dusa McDuff
(Emeritus) AMS Steele Prize for Exposition |
Jason Starr
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
William Bernhard
SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching |
Radu Laza
Simons Fellow in Mathematics |
Radu Laza
Foundation Sciences Mathématiques de Paris Junior Chair |
Christian Schnell
Samuel Grushevsky
F.W. Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt foundation |
Samuel Grushevsky
Simons Fellow in Mathematics |
Radu Laza
IAS von Neumann Fellow |
Robert Lazarsfeld
AMS Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition |
Christian Schnell
AMS Centennial Fellowship |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
Simons Fellow in Mathematics |
Simon Donaldson
(Emeritus) Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics |
Radu Laza
IAS von Neumann Fellow |
Mikhail Lyubich
Plenary Lecture at International Congress of Mathematics ICM-14, Seoul |
John Milnor
Invited Abel Lecture at ICM |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Balzan Prize |
Scott Sutherland
Scott Sutherland
Department Chair
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1989 from Boston University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1989
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-116
Phone: (631) 632-7306
Email: scott@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 487 T31
Research Interests: Dynamical systems; Root finding algorithms; Computing; mathematics education
Awards: 2005 Chancellor's award in faculty service; 2008 Student life award; 2014 National Academies Education Fellow
National Academies Education Fellow |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Radu Laza
Jason Starr
Simons Fellow in Mathematics |
Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
| Professor (Emeritus)
Ph.D. In 1981 from University of California, Berkeley
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1988
Mathematics Genealogy
Email: anderson@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Research Interests: Differential geometry; geometric analysis; mathematical physics
Awards: 1984-1986 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow; 1994 Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians; 1990 AMS Centennial Research Fellow; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
(Emeritus) Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
David Ebin
(Emeritus) Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Kenji Fukaya
(Emeritus) Fujiwara Prize |
James Glimm
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Anthony Knapp
(Emeritus) Fellow of the American Mathematical Society " |
Irwin Kra
(Emeritus) Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Robert Lazarsfeld
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Claude LeBrun
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Mikhail Lyubich
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Dusa McDuff
(Emeritus) Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
John Morgan
(Emeritus) Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Leon Takhtajan
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Oleg Viro
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society |
Aleksey Zinger
IAS von Neumann Fellow |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor |
John Milnor
Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement |
John Milnor
Abel Prize |
Aleksey Zinger
IAS von Neumann Fellow |
Kenji Fukaya
(Emeritus) Asahi Prize |
Marcus Khuri
A. P. Sloan Fellow |
Radu Laza
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
Mikhail Lyubich
Jeffery-Williams Prize of the Canadian Mathematical Society |
John Morgan
(Emeritus) National Academy of Sciences |
Raanan Schul
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Wolf Prize in Mathematics |
Simon Donaldson
(Emeritus) Shaw Prize in Mathematics |
Kenji Fukaya
(Emeritus) Member of Japan Academy |
Marcus Khuri
A. P. Sloan Fellow |
Mikhail Lyubich
Jeffery-Williams Prize, Canadian Mathematical Society |
Jason Starr
Aleksey Zinger
Simon Donaldson
(Emeritus) Nemmers Prize in Mathematics |
Marcus Khuri
A. P. Sloan Fellow |
Robert Lazarsfeld
Clay Senior Scholar |
Scott Sutherland
Scott Sutherland
Department Chair
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1989 from Boston University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1989
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-116
Phone: (631) 632-7306
Email: scott@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 487 T31
Research Interests: Dynamical systems; Root finding algorithms; Computing; mathematics education
Awards: 2005 Chancellor's award in faculty service; 2008 Student life award; 2014 National Academies Education Fellow
Student life award |
Simon Donaldson
(Emeritus) King Faisal International Prize |
Marcus Khuri
NSF Posdoctoral Fellow |
Robert Lazarsfeld
Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement |
Aleksey Zinger
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
Marcus Khuri
NSF Posdoctoral Fellow |
Robert Lazarsfeld
AMS Colloquium Lecturer |
Raanan Schul
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow |
Jason Starr
A. P. Sloan Foundation Research Fellow |
Scott Sutherland
Scott Sutherland
Department Chair
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1989 from Boston University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1989
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-116
Phone: (631) 632-7306
Email: scott@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 487 T31
Research Interests: Dynamical systems; Root finding algorithms; Computing; mathematics education
Awards: 2005 Chancellor's award in faculty service; 2008 Student life award; 2014 National Academies Education Fellow
Chancellor's award in faculty service |
Aleksey Zinger
NSF Posdoctoral Fellow |
Marcus Khuri
NSF Posdoctoral Fellow |
Mikhail Lyubich
Guggenheim Fellowship |
John Milnor
Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
National Medal of Science |
Aleksey Zinger
NSF Posdoctoral Fellow |
Kenji Fukaya
(Emeritus) Japan Academy Prize |
Marcus Khuri
NSF Posdoctoral Fellow |
Mikhail Lyubich
Guggenheim Fellowship |
Aleksey Zinger
NSF Posdoctoral Fellow |
Kenji Fukaya
(Emeritus) Inoue Prize |
Mikhail Lyubich
Guggenheim Fellowship |
Aleksey Zinger
NSF Posdoctoral Fellow |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons |
Oleg Viro
Invited Address, European Congress of Mathematics, Barcelona |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
CNR Fellowship |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
Brazilian Academy of Sciences |
Robert Lazarsfeld
Guggenheim Fellow |
Dusa McDuff
(Emeritus) National Academy of Sciences |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
CNR Fellowship |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
AMS Centennial Fellowship |
Robert Lazarsfeld
Guggenheim Fellow |
Anthony Knapp
(Emeritus) Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition, American Mathematical Society |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
Vice President A.M.S. |
Anthony Knapp
(Emeritus) Professional and Scholarly Publishing Award ""Mathematics 1995"", Association of American Publishers |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
National Academy of Sciences |
Dusa McDuff
(Emeritus) Member, American Academy of Arts & Sciences |
Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
| Professor (Emeritus)
Ph.D. In 1981 from University of California, Berkeley
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1988
Mathematics Genealogy
Email: anderson@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Research Interests: Differential geometry; geometric analysis; mathematical physics
Awards: 1984-1986 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow; 1994 Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians; 1990 AMS Centennial Research Fellow; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
(Emeritus) Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
CNR Fellowship |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
CNR Fellowship prize |
Simon Donaldson
(Emeritus) Crafoord Prize |
Kenji Fukaya
(Emeritus) Math. Soc. Japan, Spring Prize |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians |
Claude LeBrun
Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians |
Mikhail Lyubich
Plenary Lecture at International Congress of Mathematics ICM-94, Zurich |
Dusa McDuff
(Emeritus) Fellow, Royal Society |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
King Faisal International Prize of Science |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
CNR Fellowship |
James Glimm
Steele Prize for a paper of fundamental importance, American Mathematical Society |
Mikhail Lyubich
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
Leon Takhtajan
Plenary Address, Annual Meeting of American Mathematical Society |
Christopher Bishop
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
CNR Fellowship |
Mikhail Lyubich
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
CNR Fellowship |
Mikhail Lyubich
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
Dusa McDuff
(Emeritus) Satter Prize, American Mathematical Society |
Dusa McDuff
(Emeritus) UUP excellence award |
Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
| Professor (Emeritus)
Ph.D. In 1981 from University of California, Berkeley
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1988
Mathematics Genealogy
Email: anderson@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Research Interests: Differential geometry; geometric analysis; mathematical physics
Awards: 1984-1986 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow; 1994 Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians; 1990 AMS Centennial Research Fellow; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
(Emeritus) AMS Centennial Research Fellow |
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
Mark Andrea De Cataldo
| Professor
Ph.D. in 1995 from the University of Notre Dame
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1999
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-108
Phone: (631) 632-8284
Email: mark.decataldo@stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Courses: ∙ MAT 341 L01 - TR 9:30 - 10:50am ∙ MAT 362 L01 - TR 11:00 - 12:20pm ∙ MAT 699 T04
Office Hours: ∙ Tu 2:00pm-4:00pm ∙ also by appointment
Undergraduate Advising Hours: ∙ Tu 4:00pm-5:00pm
Research Interests: Algebraic geometry
Awards: 1990-1994 CNR Fellowship; 1994 CNR Fellowship prize; 1998-1999 CNR Fellowship; 1998 AMS Centennial Fellowship; 2011 Gehring Visiting Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; 2014 Simons Fellow in Mathematics; 2017 Oberwolfach Leibnitz Fellow; 2017 Marie S. Curie FCFP Fellow; 2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics
PhD Students: ∙ Matthew Huynh
CNR Fellowship |
Robert Lazarsfeld
Sectional Lecture at International Congress of Mathematics ICM-90, Kyoto |
Kenji Fukaya
(Emeritus) Geometry Prize |
Irwin Kra
(Emeritus) Lady Davis Visiting Professor, Hebrew University |
John Milnor
Wolf Prize in Mathematics |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Honorary Degree, Rice University |
Christopher Bishop
NSF postdoc |
Irwin Kra
(Emeritus) Advisory Professor, Fudan University |
Robert Lazarsfeld
Sloan Fellow |
Leon Takhtajan
Annual Prize, Mathematics Section of Academy of Sciences USSR |
Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
| Professor (Emeritus)
Ph.D. In 1981 from University of California, Berkeley
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1988
Mathematics Genealogy
Email: anderson@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Research Interests: Differential geometry; geometric analysis; mathematical physics
Awards: 1984-1986 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow; 1994 Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians; 1990 AMS Centennial Research Fellow; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
(Emeritus) NSF Postdoctoral Fellow |
Simon Donaldson
(Emeritus) Fields Medal |
Robert Lazarsfeld
Sloan Fellow |
Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
| Professor (Emeritus)
Ph.D. In 1981 from University of California, Berkeley
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1988
Mathematics Genealogy
Email: anderson@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Research Interests: Differential geometry; geometric analysis; mathematical physics
Awards: 1984-1986 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow; 1994 Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians; 1990 AMS Centennial Research Fellow; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
(Emeritus) NSF Postdoctoral Fellow |
Simon Donaldson
(Emeritus) Junior Whitehead Prize |
Irwin Kra
(Emeritus) Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science |
Robert Lazarsfeld
Sloan Fellow |
Michael Anderson
Michael Anderson
| Professor (Emeritus)
Ph.D. In 1981 from University of California, Berkeley
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1988
Mathematics Genealogy
Email: anderson@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page
Research Interests: Differential geometry; geometric analysis; mathematical physics
Awards: 1984-1986 NSF Postdoctoral Fellow; 1994 Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians; 1990 AMS Centennial Research Fellow; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society
(Emeritus) NSF Postdoctoral Fellow |
James Glimm
National Academy of Sciences |
Robert Lazarsfeld
Sloan Fellow |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996) |
Leon Takhtajan
Best Paper, Mathematics Section of Academy of Sciences USSR |
Anthony Knapp
(Emeritus) John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
National Academy of Sciences |
Leon Takhtajan
Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians |
Oleg Viro
Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians, Warsaw |
Anthony Knapp
(Emeritus) John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship |
Robert Lazarsfeld
AMS Postdoctoral Fellow |
John Milnor
Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research, American Mathematical Society |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Honorary Degree, University of Warwick |
Robert Lazarsfeld
AMS Postdoctoral Fellow |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences |
James Glimm
Dannie Heineman prize for Mathematical Physics |
James Glimm
New York Academy of Science Award in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences |
C. Denson Hill
(Emeritus) National Research Council of Italy Fellowship |
C. Denson Hill
(Emeritus) A. P. Sloan Fellowship |
C. Denson Hill
(Emeritus) A. P. Sloan Fellowship |
C. Denson Hill
(Emeritus) A. P. Sloan Fellowship |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians |
C. Denson Hill
(Emeritus) A. P. Sloan Fellowship |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
Leroy P. Steele Prize of the American Mathematical Society |
C. Denson Hill
(Emeritus) A. P. Sloan Fellowship |
Irwin Kra
(Emeritus) Guggenheim Fellowship |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
Dennis Sullivan
Dennis Sullivan
| Distinguished Professor
Ph.D. in 1965 from Princeton University
Arrived at Stony Brook in 1996
Mathematics Genealogy
Office: Math Tower 5-114
Email: dennis@math.stonybrook.edu
Home Page Courses: ∙ MAT 696 S01 - F 12:30 - 1:50pm ∙ MAT 699 T30
Research Interests: Manifolds; triangulations; algebraic topology; differential forms and homotopy theory; foliations; laminations and low dimensional dynamical systems; riemann surfaces and kleinian groups; geometric analysis; fluid evolution and computation; string topology; homotopical algebra; perturbative quantum field theory and low dimensional topology
Awards: 1971 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry; 1981 Elie Cartan Prize, French Academy of Sciences; 1982 Honorary Degree, University of Warwick; 1983 National Academy of Sciences; 1984 Brazilian Academy of Sciences (Gold Medal, 1996); 1988 American Academy of Arts and Sciences; 1988 Honorary Degree, Rice University; 1994 King Faisal International Prize of Science; 2000 Honorary Degree, Ecole Normale de Lyons; 2004 National Medal of Science; 2006 Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; 2010 Wolf Prize in Mathematics; 2012 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society; 2014 Balzan Prize; 2022 Abel Prize
PhD Students: ∙ Liam Fox
Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry |
David Ebin
(Emeritus) Invited Address, International Congress of Mathematicians |
C. Denson Hill
(Emeritus) NATO Fellow |
H. Blaine Lawson, Jr.
A. P. Sloan Foundation Fellow |
David Ebin
(Emeritus) NSF Postdoctoral Fellow |
David Ebin
(Emeritus) NSF Postdoctoral Fellow |
John Milnor
Hon. D. Sci, University of Chicago |
John Milnor
National Medal of Science |
John Milnor
Hon. D. Sci, Syracuse University |
John Milnor
National Academy of Sciences |
John Milnor
Fields Medal, International Mathematical Union, Stockholm |
John Milnor
Putnam Fellow |
John Milnor
Putnam Fellow |
Christopher Bishop
Churchill Scholar |
Anthony Knapp
(Emeritus) Invited address, International Congress of Mathematicians, Vancouver |