Picture of Christian Schnell

Mathematical Biography

I received my Ph.D. from Ohio State University in 2008, with Herb Clemens; after that, I was a postdoc at the University of Illinois at Chicago and at Kavli IPMU near Tokyo. Since 2012, I have been at Stony Brook University. In the past, I was partially supported by a Centennial Fellowship from the American Mathematical Society, and by a Simons Fellowship from the Simons Foundation.

Research Interests

I am a member of the algebraic geometry group, and I study the geometry and topology of complex algebraic varieties. My research focuses on Hodge theory, and on applications of mixed Hodge modules in algebraic geometry.

Spring 2025 Teaching

This semester, I am teaching MAT 615 (Topics in Algebraic Geometry).

Mailing Address

Department of Mathematics
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3651

Contact Information

Office: Math Tower 4–110 (map)
Phone: (631) 632-8618
E-Mail: cschnell@math.stonybrook.edu

Graduate students who plan to attend the 2025 Summer Research Institute in Algebraic Geometry should apply to the Graduate Student Bootcamp as well. The application deadline for lodging and financial support is January 31, 2025.

Upcoming Events

Past Events

Click on the title of any paper to download a PDF file.


Published Papers

Unpublished Papers

Ph.D. Thesis

Mixed Hodge modules

Claude Sabbah and I are adapting Saito's theory of mixed Hodge modules to the case of complex coefficients. A collection of notes (in progress) can be found on Claude's website.

Notes from courses and talks

Miscellaneous notes