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IUPUI (Indianapolis, IN)
November 4-6, 2016

The 2016 Midwest Dynamical Systems Meeting will take place November 4 - 6 at IUPUI (Indianapolis, IN).

Leonid Bunimovich, (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Tomasz Downarowicz, (Wrocław University of Technology)
Alex Furman, (UIC)
Joanna Furno, (IUPUI)
Patrick Hooper, (CUNY)
Kathryn Lindsey, (U Chicago)
Olga Lukina, (UIC)
Kevin Pilgrim, (IU, Bloomington)
Samuel Roth, (Silesian University, Opava)
Organizing Committee:
Joanna Furno
Will Geller
Michal Misiurewicz
Rodrigo Pérez
Roland Roeder
Joe Rosenblatt

Søminestationen in Holbæk, University of Roskilde, Denmark
September 29, 2016 - October 2, 2016

With last year being an exception, we resume the tradition of a yearly workshop and Ph.D.-course in holomorphic dynamics held at the Søminestationen in Holbæk Denmark. The theme of the workshop is Geometry of Julia sets in one or more complex variables, and it will be held September 29. to October 2. 2016.

You can register from the workshop's homepage
until Thursday September 15.

Indiana University Purdue University, Indianapolis, IN
August 15-19, 2016

This workshop will bring together people from the three fields in hopes of stimulating interaction and new progress.


Eric Bedford                     (SUNY Stony Brook)
Pavel Bleher                     (IUPUI)
Sandrine Daurat                (U. Michigan)
Jeffrey Diller                      (Notre Dame)
Tanya Firsova                    (Kansas State U.)
John Hubbard                    (Cornell University and Université de Provence)
Volodymyr  Nekrashevych  (Texas A&M)
Dmytro Savchuk                (University of South Florida)
Robert Shrock*                  (SUNY Stony Brook)
Tzu-Chieh Wei                   (SUNY Stony Brook)
Mei Yin                             (University of Denver)
Andrzej Zuk                       (Université Paris 7)

* to be confirmed.

Monday and Tuesday (8/15 and 8/16) are dedicated to learning talks BY AND FOR grad students and postdocs.  We will provide those who would like to speak with a list of possible topics and appropriate material for learning the topics.

Wednesday (8/17) will have mini-courses by experts in the three fields, meant for everyone, including established researchers in each of the three fields.

Thursday and Friday (8/18 and 8/19) are dedicated to research talks, which are still meant to be accessible to people in all three areas.

Travel Support:  We have travel support available for US-based people from the National Science Foundation grant DMS-1348589, with priority given to graduate students, postdocs, and other early career mathematicians.  Please apply by June 15 for full consideration.

If you wish to participate, please send an email to Scott Kaschner at indicating:

1) What days you would like to attend,

2) If you are asking for travel support (please apply by June 15),

3) If you would like to give a learning talk on Monday and Tuesday (Graduate students and postdocs only), and

4) Your Ph.D. advisor (Graduate students and postdocs only).

For more details:

Organizing committee:
Joanna Furno (IUPUI)
Scott Kaschner (Butler University)
Rodrigo Perez (IUPUI)
Roland Roeder (IUPUI)

University of Maryland, College Park, MD
April 15 - 17, 2016

Beginning in Fall 1991, the dynamics groups of the University of Maryland and Pennsylvania State University have jointly sponsored two annual three to four day meetings in dynamical systems and related topics: a spring meeting here in College Park, and a fall meeting in State College. These meetings, though primarily regional, also attract participants outside the region and the country; the conference archives indicate their scope.

The Spring 2016  meeting will be held Friday-Sunday, April 15-17.  See the Speakers/Schedule tab for the (evolving) list of speakers.  Any PhD advisor ready to recommend a student with good results to give a short talk is encouraged to contact one of the organizers.

On Thursday April 14 before the conference, speakers will be scheduled in our afternoon dynamics seminar, and there will be a welcoming party Thursday evening at the home of Mike and Roxanne Boyle for those who arrive with the time and energy to come by.

We are very grateful to NSF for its support of the Spring 2016 meeting, and its support for this conference since its inception.    More information on speakers, program, logistics, support etc. will be posted in due course.

Stony Brook University
March 19-20, 2016

The AMS Sectional Meeting at Stony Brook University will take place on March 19-20, 2016 in Stony Brook, NY. The Institute for Mathematical Sciences is organizing a special session on "Holomorphic Dynamics" with emphasis on the interplay between one dimensional dynamics and dynamics in several complex variables. At this meeting there will be four blocks for the special session on Holomorphic Dynamics (Saturday AM, Saturday PM, Sunday AM, Sunday PM) with each block being 3 hours long.

More information about this meeting and about all special sessions can be found on the AMS website. The meeting at Stony Brook is #1118 and the code of our special session on Holomorphic Dynamics is SS 4A.

Speakers will include:

Special Session Organizers:

Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
January 11-15, 2016

This conference will focus on recent progress and on new techniques in dynamical systems with special emphasis on complex dynamics. The interplay between real and complex dynamics will be a topic of interest. Special attention will also be paid to the geometric aspects of the field including the study and the applications of foliations/laminations. The points of view of Complex analysis, Ergodic theory and Probability will all be represented as well.

Invited speakers include:

José Ferreira Alves     (U. Porto)
Artur Avila*              (CNRS/IMPA)
François Berteloot      (U. Toulouse)
Araceli Bonifant          (U. Rhode Island)
Charles Favre             (Ecole Polytechnique)
Etienne Ghys             (ENS-Lyon)
Natalya Goncharuk      (National research University HSE)
Adolfo Guillot              (UNAM - Cuernavaca)
Emil Horozov              (University of Sophia)
John Hubbard             (U. Cornell)
Yulij Il'yashenko           (U. Cornell/Independent Univ Moscow)
Victor Kleptsyn            (CNRS/Rennes)
John Milnor*               (Stony Brook)
Jean-Pierre Ramis         (U. Toulouse)
Olga Romaskevich        (ENS-Lyon)
Nessim Sibony             (U. Paris Sud)
Nicolas Tholozan          (U. Luxembourg)
Dmitry Treschev          (Moscow State University)
Marcelo Viana              (IMPA)
Sergei Yakovenko        (Weizmann Institut)
Misha Yampolsky          (U. Toronto)

Additional information on the conference is available at:

You are also kindly requested to register for the conference at the address indicated above at your earliest convenience.

Looking forward to seeing you in Porto.

The organizers,
Marco Abate (U. Pisa)
Alexey Glutsuyk (ENS-Lyon)
Misha Lyubich (SUNY-SB)
Jasmin Raissy (U. Toulouse)
Julio Rebelo (U. Toulouse)
Helena Reis (U. Porto)

Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
October 30 - November 1, 2015

1st Announcement:
The 2015 Midwest Dynamics Meetings will take place October 30th - November 1st at the Ohio State University.  The (provisional) list of speakers is:
Lewis Bowen (University of Texas)
Keith Burns (Northwestern)
Jon Chaika (Utah)
Jana Rodriguez Hertz (IMERL, Uruguay)
Yakov Pesin (Penn State)
Charles Pugh (UC Berkeley)
Don Saari (UC Irvine)
Anush Tserunyan (UIUC)
Zhiren Wang (Penn State)
Jeff Xia (Northwestern)
Jim Yorke (Maryland)
The plenary talk for the conference will be given by Yakov Pesin.
The saturday p.m. session and the conference dinner are dedicated to Carl Simon (Michigan) in honor of his 70th birthday.
There will also be a poster session, for which we invite the contribution of all interested participants.
The conference is supported by the NSF, and the Ohio State University MRI. There are funds available for participant support, which will be allocated in keeping with NSF guideline - students, recent PhDs, underrepresented groups, and people with no other federal support get priority. Registration, and information on lodging, etc, will be made available on the conference website
For more information, please contact the local organizer, Dan Thompson, at

Israeli Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem, Israel
October 11 - 15, 2015

The main theme of this conference is Ergodic Theory, its many facets, and their connections to multiple branches of mathematics, with an
emphasis on new and emerging directions.  The conference will be an opportunity to celebrate over 50 years of Ergodic Theory in Israel and
the occasion of Hillel Furstenberg’s 80th birthday.

Jacobs University, Bremen
August 17 - 21, 2015

In honor of the 70th birthday of John H. Hubbard
