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CIRM, Marseille, France
June 29, 2015 - July 3, 2015

School and Workshop on GROUP REPRESENTATIONS IN DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS AND GEOMETRY will take place at CIRM from June 29th to July 3rd 2015, under the auspices of the A*Midex foundation.

The school will comprise two short courses by A. Nevo (Haifa) and A. Valette (Neuchâtel).

The workshop will consists of a series of invited lectures by:

J.-P. Anker (Orléans)
J. Aramayona (Toulouse)
P. Biane (Marne-la-Vallée)
P. Bourgade (Harvard)
M. Cowling (New South Wales)
R. Grigorchuk (College Station)
V. Kaimanovich (Ottawa)
Y. Kondratiev (Bielefeld)
A. Lubotzky (Jerusalem) -- TBC
J. Marché (Paris)
T. Shirai (Fukuoka)
B. Solomyak (Washington) -- TBC
A. Soshnikov (Davis)
T. Steger (Sassari)
Y. Yamashita (Nara)

There will be no registration fee to attend the school and workshop, but, given the limited amount of lodging at CIRM, we ask all those willing to
participate to pre-register as soon as possible at the conference website:

Please note that, subsequently, a formal registration will be required at the CIRM website; we need the pre-registration, however, in order to book the CIRM housing.

A limited amount of funding will be available for students only upon request, on a first come-first served basis.

The organisers:
A. Bufetov, M. G. Kuhn, L. Paoluzzi, & Y. Qui.

Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
June 14 - 20, 2015

Organizing Committee

Sylvain Crovisier (CNRS)
Jacob Palis (IMPA)
Carlos Matheus Santos (CNRS)
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (Collège de France)

Scientific Committee

Artur Avila (IMPA and CNRS)
Sylvain Crovisier (CNRS)
Mikhail Lyubich (SUNY at Stony Brook - USA)
Welington de Melo (IMPA)
Carlos Gustavo Moreira (IMPA)
Jacob Palis (IMPA)
Enrique Pujals (IMPA)
Carlos Matheus Santos (CNRS)
Marcelo Viana (IMPA)
Jean-Christophe Yoccoz (Collège de France)

Brigham Young University (BYU), Provo, Utah
June 8 - 11, 2015

The Department of Mathematics at Brigham Young University (BYU) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) announce the Rocky Mountain Dynamical Systems Conference to be held June 8-11, 2015 in Provo Utah.

The conference aims to bring together both senior and junior mathematicians from various aspects of dynamical systems.  There will be substantial time left open for collaboration as well as lectures from the following individuals:

Mike Boyle (Maryland)
Leonid Bunimovich (Georgia Tech)
Francesco Cellarosi (Illinois)
Alex Grigo (Oklahoma)
Federico Rodriguez Hertz (Penn State)
Boris Kalinin (Penn State)
Kevin Mcgoff (Duke)
Rick Moeckel (Minnesota)
Garteth Roberts (Holy Cross)
Victoria Sadovskaya (Penn State)
Skyler Simmons (Brigham Young University)
Kurt Vinhage (Penn State)
Alan Veliz (Houston)
Amie Wilkinson (Chicago)
Kelly Yancey (Maryland)
Houngkun Zhang (Houston)
Yuri Bakhtin (Courant)

In addition to the invited lectures there are still some slots available for additional lectures.  The conference is supported by the NSF and BYU.  There will be funding available for travel and local support especially for junior mathematicians.  More information on funding will be forthcoming.

The webpage for the conference is and the conference email is

We hope you can make it to the conference and look forward to seeing you in Provo.

Lennard Bakker
Jon Chaika

University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway
June 8 - 12, 2015

The main theme of the conference is Ramsey theory. 
The speaker list is almost finalized and will be found soon at the webpage above.  The number of speakers will be about 25.
The participants' list can also be found on the webpage, and will be regularly updated.
If you wish to participate, please fill out the registration form at the above webpage.  The direct link to registration is .
Limited support is available.  Besides supporting the speakers, we give preference to junior mathematicians, minorities, women  as a requirement of our sponsors.   We expect to be able to give local support to a total of about 60 people, and travel support to a total of about 40 people.   If you wish to apply for support,  please do so at the appropriate place on the registration page.  
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the organizers at . 
On behalf of the organizers,
Máté Wierdl
The University of Memphis

Marseilles, France
June 1 - 5, 2015

The scope of the conference is to discuss shared phenomena in nonlinear dynamics related to chaos,  transport and complexity. A strong emphasis will
be put on the  interdisciplinary character of the conference. In the spirit of its interdisciplinary character, we encourage contributions from the
following  fields:

    * Chaos
    * Nonlinear Physics
    * transport
    * complex system
    * self-organization
    * Hamiltonian systems
    * mixing
    * quantum chaos
    * control
    * fluid mechanics
    * plasma physics
    * nonlinear optics

The invited speakers are:

     V. Afraimovich (Univ. San Luis Potosi, Mexico)**
     I. Aronson (Argonne Nat. Lab., USA)
     R. Artuso (University of Insubria, Italy)
     E. Clément (ESPCI, France)
     L. Cugliandolo (Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie, France)
     P. Cvitanovic (Georgia Tech, USA)
     D. Del Castillo Negrete (Oak Ridge Nat. Lab., USA)
     S. Fauve (ENS Paris, Fance)
     P. Ghendrih (IRFM, CEA, France)
     D. Guery-Odelin (Université Paul Sabatier, France)
     E. Kanso (Univ. Southern. Ca., USA)
     A. Politi (University of Aberdeen, UK)**
     S. Prants (Pacific Oceanological Institute, Russia)
     V. Rom Kedar (Weizmann Institute, Israël) **
     C. Sire (LPT, Univ. Paul Sabatier and CNRS, France)
     V. Steinberg (Weizmann Institute, Israël)
     A. Verga (Aix-Marseille Université, France)
     L. S. Young (CIMS, NYU, USA) **
     M. Zaks (Humbolt University of Berlin, Germany)

** To be Confirmed

University of Alabama at Birmingham
May 18 - May 20, 2015

The conference is intended to be a celebration of Kolya Chernov's life and his many achievements.

The web-site for the conference can be found at

You can learn about the conference and submit your abstracts using the link above (except for the registration page and pages with local information the web-site is fully operational).

The conference has been recommended for an NSF grant, contingent on current congressional budget expectations. Upon final approval, we intend to offer partial support  for all participants giving a talk at the conference.

For your convenience we include below an updated version of the full announcement of the conference (please notice a slightly expanded list of main speakers).

We aim at bringing together senior and young scholars who are working in the areas of dynamical systems, ergodic theory and probability. The participants will be exposed to the most recent developments and will participate in fruitful scientific exchanges.  We hope that this will lead to new developments and discoveries.

Thus far, the following distinguished researchers all have tentatively agreed to give one-hour plenary lectures.

Leonid Bunimovich, Georgia Tech
Dmitry Dolgopyat, University of Maryland
Anatole Katok, Penn State
Konstantin Khanin, Toronto
Joel Lebowitz, Rutgers
Russell Lyons, Indiana University, Bloomington
Roberto Markarian, Uruguay
Yakov Pesin, Penn State
Nandor Simanyi, UAB
Domokos Szasz, Budapest

In addition to the invited lectures, there will be three 30-minute sessions held in parallel on each of the three afternoons that are available.

Looking forward to seeing you in Birmingham,

Alexander Blokh Paul Jung Lex Oversteegen

Nahariya, Israel
May 10-15, 2015

Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel and University of South Florida, Tampa, USA announce an International Conference
Complex Analysis & Dynamical Systems VII  which will be held on May 10 - 15, 2015, at Carlton Hotel in Nahariya, Israel.

The conference will emphasize different areas of Mathematical Analysis including Complex Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Geometric Function Theory, Hamiltonian Dynamics, Partial Differential equations, Harmonic Analysis, General Relativity and Einstein Equations. It will provide a venue for both established and junior scholars to interact with each other.

We intend to publish the Proceedings of the Conference in the AMS Series Contemporary Mathematics.

The deadline for submitting an abstract is March 1, 2015, and April 1, 2015 for registration.

Please take into account that the registration fee is  $215  up to April 1The registration will be continued after that but with the fee equal to $260.

Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to in Latex and PDF files. The registration form and the ​are payments methods available in the
conference website.

There is a discounted rate for the participants of the conference at the New Carlton Hotel, Nahariya. You may  book a room at this hotel by sending  an

We anticipate a limited NSF support to be available for the U.S. participants on a first come first serve basis with the preference given to young researchers and scientists with no other means of support.

Please follow further information on the conference website. Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any inquiry.

Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa, Italy
April 20 - April 24, 2015

The Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, , Pisa is happy to announce the workshop “Low dimensional geometric dynamics”, which will be held in Pisa, Italy, from April 20 to 24, 2015. 

The aim of the workshop is to gather experts working on low dimensional dynamics from different perspectives.

Invited speakers:

Patrick Bernard
Barney Bramham
Keith Burns
Gonzalo Contreras
Daniel Cristofaro-Gardiner
Sylvain Crovisier 
Joel Fish
Marian Gidea
Viktor Ginzburg 
Doris Hein
Umberto Hryniewicz
Renato Iturriaga
Gerhard Knieper
Anatole Katok
Enrique Pujals
Federico Rodriguez Herz
Martín Sambarino
Jan Philip Schröder

Scientific Committee

Alberto Abbondandolo
Helmut Hofer
Patrice Le Calvez

For more information see:

Participation is open to everybody, but participants are kindly requested to register here. There is no registration fee. The Secretariat of the De Giorgi Center will be glad to give you any practical information and logistic support.

Looking forward to seeing you in Pisa.

Stefano Marmi

Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain
April 20 - 24, 2015

The (closed) list of confirmed speakers is:

*De Maeeschalck (Hasselt University)
*Antoni Ferragut (Universitat Jaume I)
*Jean-P. Françoise (Université de Paris VI)
*Gianluca Gorni (Universita di Udine)
*Maite Grau (Universitat de Lleida)
*Maoan Han (Shangai Normal University)
*Jibin Li (Zhejiang Normal University)
*Jaume Llibre (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
*Pavao Mardesic (Université de Bourgogne)
*Dimitry Novikov (Weizmann Institute of Science)
*Rafael Ortega (Universidad de Granada)
*Fedor Pakovich (Ben Gurion University of the Negev)
*Daniel Panazzolo (Université de Haute-Alsace)
*Pablo Pedregal (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
*Rafel Prohens (Universitat de les Illes Balears)
*Robert Roussarie (Université de Bourgogne)
*Marco Sabatini (Universita di Trento)
*Douglas S. Shafer (University of North Carolina)
*Josef Yomdin (Weizmann Institute of Science)
*Xiang Zhang (Shangai Jiao-Tong University)

The scientific committee is formed by:

* Francesc Mañosas (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
* Hector Giacomini (Université de Tours, France)
* Chengzhi Li (Peking University, China)

The main objective of this conference is to show the recent developments in qualitative theory of differential equations, especially in low dimension, and their applications to different branches of science. Thus, lectures will be devoted to current topics in bifurcation theory, Abelian integrals, control on the number of periodic orbits, Hilbert 16th problem, oscillations of the time function, Abel equations, integrability and related topics.

It is planned the participation of around 50 researchers. The event aims to create a relaxed atmosphere, with few lectures and free time between them for fruitful discussions.

In few days we will update the information in the web page of the conference about conference fee, deadlines for poster submissions,
payments, accommodation hotels,... Then you will receive a second announcement.

Best regards,
Toni, Armengol, Joan and Jordi

University of Maryland, College Park, MD
April 18-20, 2015

The annual Maryland-Penn State Spring Dynamics Meeting will take place in College Park, MD during the period from April 18--20, 2015.


  • Maxim Arnold - University of Illinois
  • Tim Austin - Courant
  • Jacopo De Simoi - University of Toronto
  • Bryna Kra - Northwestern
  • Raphael Krikorian - Jussieu
  • Francois Ledrappier - University of Notre Dame
  • Mark Levi - Penn State University
  • Marco Martens - Stony Brook
  • Carlos Matheus - Paris XIII
  • Ronnie Pavlov - University of Denver
  • Federico Rodriguez Hertz - Penn State University
  • Rodrigo Trevino - Courant
