This school is primarily for the following three (overlapping) groups of people who want to learn about complex dynamics in several variables:
1. Graduate students and postdocs,
2. People working on complex dynamics in one variable, and
3. People working on several complex variables non-dynamically.
Whenever possible, topics will be explained first in one-dimension and then the techniques will be extended to higher dimensions.
Eric Bedford (Institute for Math Sciences at Stony Brook)
Jeffrey Diller (University of Notre Dame)
Charles Favre (Ecole Polytechnique)
John Hubbard * (Cornell University)
Mattias Jonsson (Universtiy of Michigan)
Kyounghee Kim (Florida State University)
Mikhail Lyubich * (Institute for Math Sciences at Stony Brook)
Martin Sombra * (ICREA - Universitat de Barcelona)
* To be confirmed
Ivan Chio
Scott Kaschner
Juan Rivera-Letelier
Roland Roeder
Monday-Tuesday: Learning talks by and for graduate students and postdocs. Topics and material to be provided.
Wednesday-Friday: Mini-courses by experts in the field, directed to graduate students, postdocs, and researchers.
Available for US-based people from the National Science Foundation grant DMS-1348589. Priority will be to graduate students, postdocs, and other early career mathematicians. Please apply by March 31st for full consideration.
To participate, please write to indicating:
1. What days you would like to attend;
2. If you are asking for travel support.
Graduate students and postdocs, also indicate:
3. If you would like to give a learning talk on Monday and Tuesday;
4. Your advisor/mentor.