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Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris, France
May 30 - June 4, 2022

We are pleased to announce our upcoming conference: "Self-similarity of groups, trees and fractals" taking place May 30th-June 4th, 2022 at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris as part of the special trimester "Groups acting on fractals, hyperbolicity and self-similarity".

A list of plenary speakers includes:
Laurent Bartholdi Georg-August Universität
Collin Bleak, University of St Andrews
Adrien Le Boudec, CNRS / ENS Lyon
Jeremie Brieussel, Université de Montpellier,
Yves de Cornulier, CNRS / Université Lyon 1
Bruno Duchesne, Université de Lorraine
Dominik Francoeur, ENS Lyon
Josh Frisch, Caltech
Alejandra Garrido, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Rostislav Grigorchuk, Texas A&M University
Victor Guba, Vologda State University
Yair Hartman, Ben-Gurion University
Kate Juschenko, University of Texas at Austin
Vadim Kaimanovich, University of Ottawa
Yash Lodha, University of Vienna
Mikhail Lyubich, Stony Brook University
Nicolas Matte Bon, CNRS / Université Lyon 1
Francesco Matucci, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Ivan Mitrofanov, CNRS / ENS Paris
Nicolas Monod, EPFL Lausanne
Volodia Nekrashevych, Texas A&M University
Marialaura Noce, University of Göttingen
Mikael de la Salle, CNRS / ENS Lyon
Omer Tamuz, Caltech
Alexander Teplyaev, University of Connecticut
Anitha Thillaisundaram, University of Lincoln
Matthew Zaremksy, University at Albany
Tianyi Zheng, UC San Diego

More information can be found at our  website:
Registration form:

Ann Erschler
Paul-Henry Leemann
Tatiana Nagnibeda
Rachel Skipper

MSRI, Berkley, CA
May 2 - 6, 2022

This workshop will focus on complex dynamics in one and several variables. We will bring together experts in rational dynamics, transcendental dynamics, and dynamics in several complex variables in order to get new perspective and foster discussions in a warm and stimulating atmosphere. A special focus will be put on the interactions between one dimensional and higher dimensional complex dynamics, and on connections with adjacent areas of mathematics.

Show List of Speakers



Bristol, UK
April 6-8, 2022

These are the third conferences in which they are also capable of conveying their message to the audience from various regions of these fields. Beside the leading senior figures we also invite them to show their lion's claws.

Please register at the conference site:

University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Thursday, March 31 - Sunday, April 3, 2022

The 2022 Spring Dynamics Workshop at the University of Maryland will take place from March 31 to April 3 2022. This is the latest of a long-running series of semi-annual workshops run by the dynamics groups at Penn State University and the University of Maryland.

Special events include:

1) A special session celebrating J.-P. Thouvenot's 80th birthday (April 1)
2) The 11th Michael Brin Prize in dynamical systems (April 2)

More information, including registration and a list of speakers, can be found on the conference webpage:

Through an NSF grant, there are limited funds to support the participation of junior mathematicians and other mathematicians without access to travel funds. The deadline to apply for funds is March 4th. We encourage everyone who is planning on attending to register as soon as possible on the website.

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
March 14-18, 2022

Complex Dynamics School:  Building a bridge to higher dimensions
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis
March 14-18, 2022

This event is planned to be held "in-person" provided the university policy on COVID19 allows.  Please consult us at prior to making travel arrangements.

This school is primarily for the following three (overlapping) groups of people who want to learn about complex dynamics in several variables:
1. Graduate students and postdocs,
2. Anyone working on complex dynamics in one variable, and
3. Anyone working on several complex variables non-dynamically.

Whenever possible, topics will be explained first in one-dimension and then the techniques will be extended to higher dimensions.

Eric Bedford (Stony Brook)
Jason Bell * (University of Waterloo)
Jeffrey Diller (University of Notre Dame)
John Hubbard (Cornell University)
Mattias Jonsson (University of Michigan)
Kyounghee Kim (Florida State University)
Liz Vivas * (Ohio State University)
* to be confirmed

Ivan Chio
Scott Kaschner
Juan Rivera-Letelier
Roland Roeder

Monday-Tuesday: Learning talks by and for graduate students and postdocs. Topics and material to be provided.

Wednesday-Friday: Mini-courses by experts in the field, directed to graduate students, postdocs, and researchers.

Available for US-based people from the National Science Foundation grant DMS-1348589. Priority will be to graduate students, postdocs, and other early career mathematicians. Please apply by February 5th for full consideration.

To participate, please write to indicating:
1. What days you would like to attend;
2. If you are asking for travel support.

Graduate students and postdocs, also indicate:
3. If you would like to give a learning talk on Monday and Tuesday;
4. Your advisor/mentor.

Reminder: if you are offered support and plan to fly to the meeting, you must fly on a US-based airline to be reimbursed for your flight.

A conference poster is attached. 

Renormalization ideas in Dynamics
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Dec 16, 2021

ITS Science Colloquium

The ETH Institute for Theoretical Studies presents:

Renormizatiion ideas in Dynamics

Mikhail Lyubich, Stony Brook University and ETH-ITS on December 16, 2021 at 4:15 PM

The aim of the ITS Science Colloquium is to expose researchers and students in theoretical sciences to themes of common interest across disciplines.


CIRM, Luminy, France
September 20-24, 2021

We are pleased to announce the conference  ABCD: Advancing Bridges in Complex Dynamics, to be held in CIRM, Luminy, September 20-24, 2021. The conference will be focused on the connection between four major topics in complex dynamics: Renormalization, Transcendental dynamics, Thurston theory, and global dynamics. You can find more information on the conference here:

We expect to be able to hold the conference in person or at least in hybrid form, with some participants online and some in Luminy. 

The registration is now open, and you can find the link on the webpage. If you need some financial support to attend the conference in person, please let us know by June 30th following the instructions on the website.  We are looking forward to seeing you in Luminy, the scientific and organizing committee,

N. Fagella, M. Lyubich, D. Schleicher, A. M. Benini, K. Drach, D. Dudko, M. Hlushchanka.

Many faces of renormalization
Simons Center (SCGP), Stony Brook, NY
March 8-12, 2021

Organized by: Dzmitry Dudko, Mikhail Lyubich and Konstantin Khanin

The goal of this Workshop is to explore connections between various
aspects of Renormalization in Dynamics (unimodal and circle, holomorphic and cocyclic, Henon, KAM, and stochastic renormalizations) and Physics (QFT and statistical mechanics, fluid dynamics, and KPZ), which could help to reveal a unifying theme for all these phenomena.

This workshop is part of the Program: Renormalization and universality in Conformal Geometry, Dynamics, Random Processes, and Field Theory. There will also be Renormalization retrospective: Feigenbaum Memorial Conference held right before.

Renormalization retrospective: Feigenbaum Memorial Conference
Simons Center (SCGP) Stony Brook, NY
March 4-7, 2021

Organizers: Kostya Khanin, Misha Lyubich, and Dennis Sullivan

     This Conference will pay tribute to the great discovery made by Feigenbaum in the mid 1970s and its ramifications (mostly in math) in the past 45 years. It will also serve as an introduction to the SCGP Workshop Many faces of renormalization held during the following week. Both events are part of the Program: Renormalization and universality in Conformal Geometry, Dynamics, Random Processes, and Field Theory:

International Centre for Theoretical Physics ICTP Trieste, Italy

October 12 -16, 2020

The workshop at ICTP in October is part of a long standing tradition of Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory activities at ICTP that was initiated by J. Palis and C. Zeeman in the early 1980s, and continued by Ya. Sinai, J.-C. Yoccoz and others.

We can provide local support for up to 100 participants in shared rooms in the ICTP guesthouses, and some limited travel support only for participants from developing countries.

Online applications here: 

Organizers: Jacopo De Simoi (Toronto, Canada), Corinna Ulcigrai (Zurich, Switzerland), Marcelo Viana (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Local Organiser: Stefano Luzzatto
