The 33rd Fall meeting of the Workshop in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics will take place on NOVEMBER 3 - 6, 2022.
It will be dedicated to 75th birthdays of Michael Brin and Yakov Pesin.
All lectures will be held at the Mathematics Department (114 McAllister Building) at the Penn State University Park campus.
The workshop will feature:
A SPECIAL SESSION dedicated to the 75th birthday of YAKOV PESIN organized by Jairo Bochi (, Vaughn Climenhaga (vclimenh@Central.UH.EDU),
and Svetlana Katok ( on Friday, November 4.
A SPECIAL SESSION "Collaborations of female researchers in dynamical systems and related areas of geometry, topology and number theory" organized by
Zhenqi Wang ( in the morning session on Saturday, November 5.
The 4th MICHAEL BRIN DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS PRIZE FOR YOUNG MATHEMATICIANS will be presented in the afternoon session on Saturday, November 5 followed by a
talk by the winner.
If you decided to participate in the workshop, please, register at your earliest convenience by filling out the registration form and submitting it electronically.