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Marseille cedex 9, FRANCE
December 4 - 8, 2023

The main conference will focus on renormalization in dynamics, geometry, and number theory. In many areas of dynamics and geometry, the ideas of renormalization and self-similarity play a crucial role. These ideas involve rescaling dynamical or geometric phenomenon to observe behaviors at multiple scales.

In this conference we will focus on the following problems:

  • Geometric models of digit algorithms
  • Symbolic models of unipotent dynamics
  • Renormalization in Interval exchanges and dynamical systems
  • Number theory and circle and sphere packings

For more information:

Tsaghkadzor, Armenia
November 20-25, 2023

The main theme of the conference is the interface of real and complex dynamics, real and complex geometry and analysis. The talks of the conference will present recent results on this interface that belong to the area of dynamical systems and to related areas in real and complex geometry and analysis; including holomorphic foliations, finite-dimensional integrable systems, billiards and mathematical physics.

The goal of the conference is to bring together leading experts in the field, along with researchers in the early stage of career and graduate students.

Additional information is available here.

Harvard University Science Center Hall D
October 27–28, 2023

A showcase of mathematics in interaction with physics, computer science, biology, and beyond.

This conference will be held in hybrid format, both in person and via Zoom Webinar.

Registration is required.

In-person registration (link).

Zoom Webinar registration (link).


  • Michael R. Douglas (Harvard CMSA)
  • Dan Freed (Harvard Math & CMSA)
  • Mike Hopkins (Harvard Math)
  • Cumrun Vafa (Harvard Physics)
  • Horng-Tzer Yau (Harvard Math)

Further details and a schedule are available at:

University of Illinois Chicago
October 20 - 22, 2023

The 2023 Midwest Dynamical Systems Conference will take place on Oct. 20-22 at the University of
Illinois Chicago. The conference starts at 3pm on Friday 10/20 and ends around noon on Sunday

Aaron Calderon (U Chicago)
Jacopo De Simoi (U Toronto)
Meg Doucette (U Chicago)
Adi Glücksam (Northwestern)
John Johnson Jr. (Ohio State)
Sarah Koch (Michigan)
Kathryn Mann (Cornell)
Jacob Mazor (Stony Brook)
Alex Wright (Michigan)

 Travel and accommodations support is available for US-based participants from the National Science
Foundation grant DMS-2230827. Priority will be given to graduate students, postdocs, and other early
career mathematicians. Please apply by October 15th for full consideration.   

 The conference website has more details, including how to apply for financial support:

Please let us know if you have any questions by emailing

Søminestationen in Holbæk, Denmark
October 19 - 22, 2023

The dynamics learning workshop and Ph.D. course will feature a mini-course MLC and tools to study the problem, by Dzmitry Dudko and Michail Lyubich, Stony Brook University. The focus of the workshop is on parabolic implosion with applications in holomorphic dynamics.

To our great regret, this will be the last of our long series of combined workshops and Ph.D. courses at Søminestationen in Holbæk, because Roskilde University have decided to give up the lease of the place.


The workshop takes place at Søminestationen in Holbæk, Denmark.  Søminestationen in Holbæk is a meeting facility operated by the University of Roskilde. Housing meals and lectures will all take place at the facility.


It is not possible to officially register until the beginning of August. When registration opens, please check back.


Scientific Committee: Christian Henriksen, Signe Emalia Jensen, Carsten Lunde Petersen and Eva Uhre.

Organizers: Carsten Lunde Petersen, Christian Henriksen, Signe Emalia Jensen and Eva Uhre

The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto
August 21 - 25, 2023

The idea of renormalization emerged in the 1960s in mathematical physics, and revolutionized the field of Statistical Mechanics, where it has become the main tool in the analysis of phase transitions and critical phenomena. In the 1970s, renormalization ideology was transferred to Dynamics due to independent discoveries of universality phenomena by Feigenbaum and Coullet & Tresser. It has since become one of the most powerful tools of understanding small scale structure of a large variety of dynamical systems. Renormalization has become particularly well (and rigorously) developed in the conformal context, in particular, in the geometric problems related to the celebrated MLC Conjecture on the local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set.

This workshop will bring together top experts in the study of renormalization in Dynamics to map out the current state of the art and the new directions in this exciting and rapidly developing field.

Confirmed Speakers

Dr. Pierre Berger, Sorbonne University
Dr. Davoud Cheraghi, Imperial College London
Dr. Dima Dudko, Stony Brook University
Dr. Gabriela Estevez, UFF
Dr. Tanya Firsova, Kansas State University
Dr. Selim Ghazouani, UCL 
Dr. Natasha Goncharuk, Texas A&M University
Dr. Igors Gorbovickis, University of Bremen 
Dr. Sasa Kocic, University of Mississippi
Dr. Mikhail Lyubich, Stony Brook University 
Dr. Marco Martens, Stony Brook University 
Dr. Liviana Palmisano, KTH 
Dr. Enrique Pujals, CUNY
Dr. Jonguk Yang, University of Zurich

Organizing Committee:  Konstantin Khanin - University of Toronto;  Michael Yampolsky - University of Toronto

Helsinki, Finland
August 14 - 18, 2023

We are excited to invite you to join the in person "Quasiworld Workshop'', held August 14th to 18th, 2023, in Helsinki, Finland.  The conference brings together the broad community
of complex dynamics, geometric group theory, analysis on metric spaces and random geometry, and focuses on the interactions between these fields. The conference dinner will also
celebrate the 60th birthday of Mario Bonk, his numerous profound research contributions in the field, and his vast service to the community.

The registration is now open:

We also have limited funds to support participation in the event, primarily for early career participants. The deadline to request such funds is April 28th 2023:

Our speakers include:
  *  Kari Astala (University of Helsinki)
  *  Zoltán Balogh (University of Bern)
  *  Walter Bergweiler (Kiel University)
  *  Chris Bishop (Stony Brook University)
  *  Marc Bourdon (University of Lille)
  *  Luca Capogna (Smith College)
  *  Alice Chang (Princeton University)
  *  Alex Eremenko (Purdue University)
  *  Peter Haïssinsky (CNRS)
  *  Ursula Hamestädt (University of Bonn)
  *  Jun Kigami (Kyoto University)
  *  Bruce Kleiner (CIMS)
  *  Pekka Koskela (University of Jyväskylä)
  *  Urs Lang (ETH)
  *  Sergiy Merenkov (CCNY)
  *  Jason Miller (University of Cambridge)
  *  Mathav Murugan (UBC)
  *  Dimitrios Ntalampekos (Stony Brook University)
  *  Kevin Pilgrim (Indiana University Bloomington)
  *  Pietro Poggi-Corradini (Kansas State University)
  *  Kai Rajala (University of Jyväskylä)
  *  Steffen Rohde (University of Washington)
  *  Nages Shanmugalingam (University of Cincinnati)
  *  Yilin Wang (IHES)

You may contact us at, if you have any questions.

The organizers
Sylvester Eriksson-Bique, Mikhail Hlushchanka, Annina Iseli, Daniel Meyer, Dimitrios Ntalampekos, Pekka Pankka, Kirsi Peltonen,
Eero Saksman


Urgench State University (Uzbekistan)
August 4-9, 2023

NSF IRES: Advanced Studies Institute in Analysis on Fractal Spaces and Dynamical Systems

The Advanced Studies Institute (ASI) with funding from the NSF will host the conference in Uzbekistan on August 4-9, 2023 to be held at Urgench State University. The ASI will engage advanced graduate students in active learning and research at the frontiers of knowledge in broader areas of Analysis and Dynamical Systems. The ASI will serve as a catalyst for future international collaborations that promote, encourage and engage students from underrepresented groups including female students. The ASI lecturers are Mario Bonk (UCLA), Sergey Merenkov (City College of New York and CUNY Graduate Center), Mikhail Lyubich (SUNY Stony Brook), Dzmitry Dudko (SUNY Stony Brook), Pekka Pankka (University of Helsinki, Finland), and Sabya Mukherjee (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India).

The research focus of the ASI will be on contemporary topics in Analysis on Fractal Spaces and Dynamical Systems. Contemporary mathematics has become a truly international endeavor and hence it is important that students grasp this early on and start cementing their international network of researchers. The ASI, through its lectures and research related activities, will serve as a platform to incorporate the latest developments in these areas into education and research for graduate students. We will focus on supporting advanced graduate students and active researchers from a wide variety of colleges and universities in the U.S. The cultural component includes traveling to the ancient Silk Road cities of Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva to learn about the cultural and scientific heritage of Uzbekistan.

For more information contact Dr. Zair Ibragimov at or apply directly on the website link below



CIRM, 163 avenue de Luminy, Case 916
13288 Marseille cedex 9, FRANCE
July 10 - 14, 2023

The school will consist of three mini-courses, each on the topic of Renormalization and Visualization for packing, billiard an surfaces"
They will be on Geometry, Dynamics, and Number Theory.
These topics are related to those who appear in the main conference and in the workshop.




Richard Evan Schwartz, (Brown University)
Carlos Matheus, (CNRS, Centre de mathématiques Laurent Schwartz, école polytechnique)
Kate Stange, (University of Colorado)

Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier, France
July 3 - 7, 2023

The goal of this conference is to bring together experts from a wide range of topics in holomorphic dynamics, ranging from from one-variable to several variables, and from iterative to continuous time dynamics.

We hope to have a lively discussion and build new connections between these areas and beyond. Accordingly, the number of talks will be slightly reduced in order to provide free time for informal discussions.

This conference follows the week-long MINT summer school “Facets of complex dynamics” geared to graduate students that takes place in Toulouse from June 26th through 30th. It features short courses by Tien-Cuong Dinh, Nuria Fagella, Thomas Gauthier, Viet-Anh Nguyen, Pascale Roesch, and Roland Roeder. We expect that several of these people will stay for the conference, thus providing some further opportunities for mathematical discussions.

The Organizing Committee: 
Francois Berteloot, Julio Rebelo, Helena Reis, and Roland Roeder

List of speakers

Marc Abboud, Taro Asuke, Eric Bedford, Aaron Brown, Arnaud Cheritat, Bertrand Deroin, Arame Diaw, Romain Dujardin, Luis Giraldo, Alexey Glutsyuk, Yan Mary He, Kyonghee Kim, Victor Kleptsyn, Mayuresh Lonhde, Lorena Lopez, Misha Lyubich, Emmanuel Paul, Johan Taflin, Shengyuan Zhao

