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* Starred papers have appeared in the journal cited.

V.V.M.S. Chandramouli, M. Martens, W. De Melo, and C.P. Tresser
Chaotic Period Doubling

The period doubling renormalization operator was introduced by M. Feigenbaum and by P. Coullet and C. Tresser in the nineteen-seventieth to study the asymptotic small scale geometry of the attractor of one-dimensional systems which are at the transition from simple to chaotic dynamics. This geometry turns out to not depend on the choice of the map under rather mild smoothness conditions. The existence of a unique renormalization fixed point which is also hyperbolic among generic smooth enough maps plays a crucial role in the corresponding renormalization theory. The uniqueness and hyperbolicity of the renormalization fixed point were first shown in the holomorphic context, by means that generalize to other renormalization operators. It was then proved that in the space of $C^{2+\alpha}$ unimodal maps, for $\alpha$ close to one, the period doubling renormalization fixed point is hyperbolic as well. In this paper we study what happens when one approaches from below the minimal smoothness thresholds for the uniqueness and for the hyperbolicity of the period doubling renormalization generic fixed point. Indeed, our main results states that in the space of $C^2$ unimodal maps the analytic fixed point is not hyperbolic and that the same remains true when adding enough smoothness to get a priori bounds. In this smoother class, called $C^{2+|\cdot|}$ the failure of hyperbolicity is tamer than in $C^2$. Things get much worse with just a bit less of smoothness than $C^2$ as then even the uniqueness is lost and other asymptotic behavior become possible. We show that the period doubling renormalization operator acting on the space of $C^{1+Lip}$ unimodal maps has infinite topological entropy.

P. Berger
Persistence of stratification of normally expanded laminations

This manuscript complements the Hirsch-Pugh-Shub (HPS) theory on persistence of normally hyperbolic laminations and the theorem of Robinson on the structural stability of diffeomorphisms that satisfy Axiom A and the strong transversality condition (SA). We generalize these results by introducing a geometric object: the stratification of laminations. It is a stratification whose strata are laminations. Our main theorem implies the persistence of some stratifications whose strata are normally expanded. The dynamics is a $C^r$-endomorphism of a manifold (which is possibly not invertible). The persistence means that for any $C^r$-perturbation of the dynamics, there exists a close $C^r$-stratification preserved by the perturbation. This theorem in its elementary statement (the stratification is constituted by a unique stratum) gives the persistence of normally expanded laminations by endomorphisms, generalizing HPS theory. Another application of this theorem is the persistence, as stratifications, of submanifolds with boundary or corners normally expanded. Moreover, we remark that SA diffeomorphism gives a canonical stratifications: the stratification whose strata are the stable sets of basic pieces of the spectral decomposition. Our Main theorem then implies the persistence of some "normally SA" laminations which are not normally hyperbolic.

J. Kahn and M. Lyubich
A priori bounds for some infinitely renormalizable quadratics: III.Molecules

In this paper we prove a priori bounds for infinitely renormalizable quadratic polynomials satisfying a "molecule condition". Roughly speaking, this condition ensures that the renormalization combinatorics stay away from the satellite types. These a priori bounds imply local connectivity of the corresponding Julia sets and the Mandelbrot set at the corresponding parameter values.

G. Rottenfußer, J. Rückert, L. Rempe and D. Schleicher
Dynamic rays of bounded-type entire functions

We construct an entire function in the Eremenko-Lyubich class $\mathcal{B}$ whose Julia set has only bounded path-components. This answers a question of Eremenko from 1989 in the negative. On the other hand, we show that for many functions in $\mathcal{B}$, in particular those of finite order, every escaping point can be connected to $\infty$ by a curve of escaping points. This gives a partial positive answer to the aforementioned question of Eremenko, and answers a question of Fatou from 1926.

D. Cheraghi
Combinatorial Rigidity for Some Infinitely Renormalizable Unicritical Polynomials

We prove Combinatorial rigidity for infinitely renormalizable unicritical polynomials, $f_c:z \mapsto z^d+c$, with a priori bounds and some "combinatorial condition". Combining with KL2, this implies local connectivity of the connectedness locus (the "Mandelbrot set" when $d=2$) at the corresponding parameter values.

A. Bonifant, M. Dabija and J. Milnor
Elliptic curves as attractors in $P^2$, Part 1: dynamics

A study of rational maps of the real or complex projective plane of degree two or more, concentrating on those which map an elliptic curve onto itself, necessarily by an expanding map. We describe relatively simple examples with a rich variety of exotic dynamical behaviors which are perhaps familiar to the applied dynamics community but not to specialists in several complex variables. For example, we describe smooth attractors with riddled or intermingled attracting basins, and we observe "blowout" bifurcations when the transverse Lyapunov exponent for the invariant curve changes sign. In the complex case, the elliptic curve (a topological torus) can never have a trapping neighborhood, yet it can have an attracting basin of large measure (perhaps even of full measure). We also describe examples where there appear to be Herman rings (that is topological cylinders mapped to themselves with irrational rotation number) with open attracting basin. In some cases we provide proofs, but in other cases the discussion is empirical, based on numerical computation.

A. Epstein, V. Markovic, and D. Saric
Extremal maps of the universal hyperbolic solenoid

We show that the set of points in the Teichmüller space of the universal hyperbolic solenoid which do not have a Teichmüller extremal representative is generic (that is, its complement is the set of the first kind in the sense of Baire). This is in sharp contrast with the Teichmüller space of a Riemann surface where at least an open, dense subset has Teichmüller extremal representatives. In addition, we provide a sufficient criteria for the existence of Teichmüller extremal representatives in the given homotopy class. These results indicate that there is an interesting theory of extremal (and uniquely extremal) quasiconformal mappings on hyperbolic solenoids.

A. A. Pinto and D. A. Rand
Geometric measures for hyperbolic sets on surfaces

We present a moduli space for all hyperbolic basic sets of diffeomorphisms on surfaces that have an invariant measure that is absolutely continuous with respect to Hausdorff measure. To do this we introduce two new invariants: the measure solenoid function and the cocycle-gap pair. We extend the eigenvalue formula of A. N. Livsic and Ja. G. Sinai for Anosov diffeomorphisms which preserve an absolutely continuous measure to hyperbolic basic sets on surfaces which possess an invariant measure absolutely continuous with respect to Hausdorff measure. We characterise the Lipschitz conjugacy classes of such hyperbolic systems in a number of ways, for example, in terms of eigenvalues of periodic points and Gibbs measures.

S. Bonnot, R. C. Penner and D. Saric
A presentation for the baseleaf preserving mapping class group of the punctured solenoid

We give a presentation for the baseleaf preserving mapping class group $Mod(\mathcal{H})$ of the punctured solenoid $\mathcal{H}$. The generators for our presentation were introduced previously, and several relations among them were derived. In addition, we show that $Mod(\mathcal{H})$ has no non-trivial central elements. Our main tool is a new complex of triangulations of the disk upon which $Mod(\mathcal{H})$ acts.

J. Kahn
A priori bounds for some infinitely renormalizable quadratics: I. Bounded primitive combinatorics

We prove the a priori bounds for infinitely renormalizable quadratic polynomials of bounded primitive type. This implies the local connectivity of the Mandelbrot set at the corresponding points.
