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* Starred papers have appeared in the journal cited.

P. Bleher, M. Lyubich, R. Roeder
Lee-Yang zeros for DHL and 2D rational dynamics, I. Foliation of the physical cylinder

In a classical work of the 1950's, Lee and Yang proved that the zeros of the partition functions of a ferromagnetic Ising model always lie on the unit circle. Distribution of the zeros is physically important as it controls phase transitions in the model. We study this distribution for the Migdal-Kadanoff Diamond Hierarchical Lattice (DHL). In this case, it can be described in terms of the dynamics of an explicit rational function $\mathcal{R}$ in two variables (the renormalization transformation). We prove that $\mathcal{R}$ is partially hyperbolic on an invariant cylinder $\mathcal{C}$. The Lee-Yang zeros are organized in a transverse measure for the central-stable foliation of $\mathcal{R}|\mathcal{C}$. Their distribution is absolutely continuous. Its density is $C^\infty$ (and non-vanishing) below the critical temperature. Above the critical temperature, it is $C^\infty$ on an open dense subset, but it vanishes on the complementary Cantor set of positive measure. This seems to be the first occasion of a complete rigorous description of the Lee-Yang distributions beyond 1D models.

M. Kim, M. Martens, and S. Sutherland
A Universal Bound for the Average Cost of Root Finding

We analyze a path-lifting algorithm for finding an approximate zero of a complex polynomial, and show that for any polynomial with distinct roots in the unit disk, the average number of iterates this algorithm requires is universally bounded by a constant times the log of the condition number. In particular, this bound is independent of the degree $d$ of the polynomial. The average is taken over initial values $z$ with $|z| = 1 + 1/d$ using uniform measure.

A. M. Benini
Triviality of fibers for Misiurewicz parameters in the exponential family

We consider the family of holomorphic maps $e^z+c$ and show that fibers of postcritically finite parameters are trivial. This can be considered as the first and simplest class of non-escaping parameters for which we can obtain triviality of fibers in the exponential family.

A. Bonifant, J. Kiwi, J. Milnor
Cubic polynomial maps with periodic critical orbit, Part II: Escape regions

The parameter space $S_p$ for monic centered cubic polynomial maps with a marked critical point of period p is a smooth affine algebraic curve whose genus increases rapidly with p. Each $S_p$ consists of a compact connectedness locus together with finitely many escape regions, each of which is biholomorphic to a punctured disk and is characterized by an essentially unique Puiseux series. This note with describe the topology of $S_p$, and of its smooth compactification, in terms of these escape regions. It concludes with a discussion of the real sub-locus of $S_p$.

P. Berger
Persistence of normally expanded submanifolds with boundary or corners
We show that invariant submanifolds with boundary, and more generally with corners which are normally expanded by an endomorphism are persistent as $a$-regular stratifications. This result will be shown in class $C^s$, for $s\ge 1$. We present also a simple example of a submanifold with boundary which is normally expanded but non-persistent as a differentiable submanifold.
M. Lyubich and M. Martens
Renormalization in the Hénon family, II: The heteroclinic web

We study highly dissipative Hénon maps $$ F_{c,b}: (x,y) \mapsto (c-x^2-by, x) $$ with zero entropy. They form a region $\Pi$ in the parameter plane bounded on the left by the curve $W$ of infinitely renormalizable maps. We prove that Morse-Smale maps are dense in $\Pi$, but there exist infinitely many different topological types of such maps (even away from $W$). We also prove that in the infinitely renormalizable case, the average Jacobian $b_F$ on the attracting Cantor set $\mathcal{O}_F$ is a topological invariant. These results come from the analysis of the heteroclinic web of the saddle periodic points based on the renormalization theory. Along these lines, we show that the unstable manifolds of the periodic points form a lamination outside $\mathcal{O}_F$ if and only if there are no heteroclinic tangencies.

A. Avila, M. Lyubich and W. Shen
Parapuzzle of the Multibrot set and typical dynamics of unimodal maps

We study the parameter space of unicritical polynomials $f_c:z\mapsto z^d+c$. For complex parameters, we prove that for Lebesgue almost every $c$, the map $f_c$ is either hyperbolic or infinitely renormalizable. For real parameters, we prove that for Lebesgue almost every $c$, the map $f_c$ is either hyperbolic, or Collet-Eckmann, or infinitely renormalizable. These results are based on controlling the spacing between consecutive elements in the "principal nest" of parapuzzle pieces.

V. Timorin
Topological regluing of rational functions

Regluing is a topological operation that helps to construct topological models for rational functions on the boundaries of certain hyperbolic components. It also has a holomorphic interpretation, with the flavor of infinite dimensional Thurston--Teichmüller theory. We will discuss a topological theory of regluing, and trace a direction in which a holomorphic theory can develop.

J. Kahn, M. Lyubich, and L. Rempe
A note on hyperbolic leaves and wild laminations of rational functions

We study the affine orbifold laminations that were constructed in mishayair. An important question left open in mishayair is whether these laminations are always locally compact. We show that this is not the case.

The counterexample we construct has the property that the regular leaf space contains (many) hyperbolic leaves that intersect the Julia set; whether this can happen is itself a question raised in mishayair.

V. Timorin
The external boundary of the bifurcation locus $M_2$
Consider a quadratic rational self-map of the Riemann sphere such that one critical point is periodic of period 2, and the other critical point lies on the boundary of its immediate basin of attraction. We will give explicit topological models for all such maps. We also discuss the corresponding parameter picture.
