We have collected references to several surveys and papers of introductory character which are available on-line.
Please tell us about other survey or introductory papers available electronically ims@math.sunysb.edu
- Holomorphic Dynamics:
An excellent introduction to the subject is Dynamics in One Complex Variable by J. Milnor, published by Vieweg 1999, 2nd edition 2000; Available through AMS (the original notes are available as preprint 90-5 ). A survey of the results on the geometry of polynomial Julia sets can be found in Local Connectivity of Julia Sets: Expository Lectures by J. Milnor and for a discussion of the combinatorics of the Mandelbrot set see Orbits, Rays and the Mandelbrot Set. Recent progress in the subject is surveyed in Frontiers in complex dynamics and The Classification of Conformal Dynamical Systems by C. McMullen, and Renormalization Ideas in Conformal Dynamics by M. Lyubich. For a measure/dimension theoretic viewpoint see the new survey by M. Urbanski, Measures and Dimensions in Conformal Dynamics .
- Dynamics in Several Complex variables:
The survey Complex dynamics in several variables by J. Smillie and G. Buzzard is available as MSRI Preprint 1996-011.
- Surface Dynamics:
The paper Topological methods in surface dynamics by P. Boyland has appeared in Topology and its Applications 58(1994).
- Time Reversal in Hamiltonian Systems:
Time-reversal symmetry in dynamical systems:a survey, by J.S.W. Lamb and J.A.G. Roberts, has appeared in Physica D 112 (1998) pp. 1-39. The abstract is also available, as well as an extensive bibliography on time-reversal.
- Pesin Theory:
A short survey of Pesin Theory by Luis Barreira.
- Stochastic Dynamics of Deterministic Systems
A survey paper by Marcelo Viana
- Also in Luis Barreira's page:
Lyapunov Exponents and Smooth Ergodic Theory.