Через лабіринти до математики (this page in Ukrainian).
Läpi sokkeloihin Matematiikka (this page in Finnish).
Át mazes a matematika
(this page in Hungarian).
ผ่านเขาวงกตคณิตศาสตร์ (this page in Thai).
Кроз Лавиринти до Математике (this page in Serbian).
Přes bludiště až matematiky (this page in Czech).
Des Labyrinthes aux Mathématiques (this page in French).
Prin Mazes Ia Matematică (this
page in Romanian).
Labirentten Matematiğe (this page in Turkish).
Математикаға лабиринттер арқылы (this page in Kazakh).
მეშვეობით ლაბირინთები რომ მათემატიკა (this page in Georgian).
Przez labirynty do matematiki (this page in Polish).
Läbi labürintide matemaatikani
(this page in Estonian).
Kroz labirinte do matematike (this page in Croatian).
ПРЕКУ ЛАВИРИНТИ ДО МАТЕМАТИКА (this page in Macedonian).
从迷宫到数学 (this page in Chinese).
Through Mazes |
to Mathematics
This late 12th Century manuscript maze (13cm in diameter)
is in the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich (Clm. 14731,
Fol 82 v.). The text above the maze reads CUM MINOTHAURO
PUGNAT THESEUS [IN] LABORINTO. = Theseus fights with
the Minotaur in the Labyrinth.
Click for larger
The maze design was clearly intended to be the 12-level
alternating, transit maze
with level sequence
0 3 2 1 4 7 6 5 8 11 10 9 12, a common maze in medieval
but the 11th level was taken over by the center image (traces of it
are still visible); level
8 is led directly to the center; levels 9 and 10 are now cut off
from the rest of the path, and have been joined separately
to the center. The topological meaning of the maze has been sacrificed
to the visual impact of the composition.