MAT 132 Calculus II Spring 2009 |
Index Announcement Teaching Staff, Office Hours Syllabus and Schedule Homework Calculator programs |
Course Information |
Lectures and Recitations: New material is presented each week in the lectures. The recitation each week gives students a chance to review, in a smaller class, material from the week before. This includes going over difficult parts of assigned homework, and new exercises, proposed by the recitation leader, to be carried out individually or in groups. Recitation leaders can give valuable feedback to the lecturer. Try to make sure your recitation leader knows who you are!
Warning about Solution Manuals: Solution manuals can be of assistance in helping you to learn the material if used properly. If used improperly, they can cause damage. Here is the proper way.
Calculator Abuse: When you first see a problem, your first response should be to think, not to punch buttons on a calculator; otherwise you are suffering from calculator abuse. Students with this syndrome lose out in the following ways:
Group work: We encourage you to form teams of three or four students and to work together. We will try to do as many group exercises as possible, in class and in recitation, to get you used to this type of work. Several people thinking together about a problem can often see around a difficulty where one person might get stuck. This is one reason why the ability to work well in a team is rated very highly by prospective employers.
Homework: Homework is a means to an end, the ``end'' being for you to
learn the material. We encourage you to work on homework together
with friends. In this course, we will never prosecute anyone for
academic dishonesty on any issue relating to homework.
If you hand in complete, correct solutions, you will get full
credit for them, no matter how you obtained them. If someone
regularly ``does''
the homework by copying from friends or from solution manuals, they are
only cheating themselves, since this is not a way to learn the material.
Homework is to be handed in at the recitation meeting the week after
the material is covered in lecture.
Never be shy to ask us how to do a homework problem, even if you handed in a copied solution that you do not understand. We will be glad to help you!
General Advice: In order to understand the lectures,
it is essential that, before you come to class, you review the
material covered in the previous class. This will greatly increase
your understanding.
Please remember that mathematics is cumulative, so don't fall
behind! If you are behind, you will find new material presented in
lectures much more difficult to follow, and you will be forced to try to
learn that new material on your own. This will cost you a lot of extra
time. If you feel you are slipping behind, consult your recitation
instructor or your lecturer immediately: get help right away!
Extra Help with Calculus: Your recitation leader and your instructor will be happy to answer your questions during their office hours. The Math Learning Center (Math S-240A) is open often, for extra help.
Complaints: If you have any complaints about the course, please contact your instructor first. If this does not resolve the matter, please contact the course coordinator. If you still need to talk with someone about this matter, please see the Math Undergraduate Program Director (2-8250), and then the Math Dept Chair (2-8290).
Special Needs:
If you have a physical, psychological, medical or
learning disability that may impact on your ability
to carry out assigned course work, I would urge that you
contact the staff in the Disabled Student Services office
(DSS), Room 133 Humanities, 632-6748/TDD. DSS will review
your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations
are necessary and appropriate. All information and
documentation of disability is confidential.