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Quaternionic representation of the Binary Tetrahedral Group

(The details of this representation are due to David Stone.)

First we choose a convenient embedding of the tetrahedron in ${\bf R}^3$. With ${\bf ~i}, {\bf ~j}, {\bf ~k}$ the standard unit vectors (these may also be interpreted correctly as unit quaternions), we consider the regular tetrahedron with vertices

$\begin{array}{l} A = -{\bf i}-{\bf j}-{\bf k}\\ B = -{\bf i}+{\bf j}+{\bf k}\\ C = {\bf i}-{\bf j}+{\bf k}\\ D = {\bf i}+{\bf j}-{\bf k}. \end{array}$

The symmetries of order 3 of the tetrahedron (in terms of permutations of the vertices) are generated by

$(BCD) = 120^{\circ}$ rotation about $A$,
$(ADC) = 120^{\circ}$ rotation about $B$,
$(ABD) = 120^{\circ}$ rotation about $C$,
$(ACB) = 120^{\circ}$ rotation about $D$;

the symmetries of order two are

$(AB)(CD) = 180^{\circ}$ rotation about ${\bf i}$,
$(AC)(BD) = 180^{\circ}$ rotation about ${\bf j}$,
$(AD)(BC) = 180^{\circ}$ rotation about ${\bf k}$.

The corresponding SU(2) elements of order six are

$\pm a, \pm a^2$, $\pm b, \pm b^2$, $\pm c, \pm c^2$, $\pm d, \pm d^2$,

where $a = \frac{1}{2}(1+A)$, and similarly for $b, c, d$. This yields

$\begin{array}{l} a = \frac{1}{2} ( 1- {\bf i}- {\bf j}- {\bf k})\\ b = \frac{1}{2} ( 1- {\bf i}+ {\bf j}+ {\bf k})\\ c = \frac{1}{2} ( 1+ {\bf i}- {\bf j}+ {\bf k})\\ d = \frac{1}{2} ( 1+ {\bf i}+ {\bf j}- {\bf k}). \end{array}$

(And thus

$\begin{array}{l} a^2 = \frac{1}{2} (- 1- {\bf i}- {\bf j}- {\bf k})\\ b^2 = \frac{1}{2} (- 1- {\bf i}+ {\bf j}+ {\bf k})\\ c^2 = \frac{1}{2} (- 1+ {\bf i}- {\bf j}+ {\bf k})\\ d^2 = \frac{1}{2} (- 1+ {\bf i}+ {\bf j}- {\bf k}).) \end{array}$

The corresponding elements of order four are

$\pm {\bf i}, \pm {\bf j}, \pm {\bf k}$;

$1$ and $-1$ complete the list of 24 elements.

The Multiplication Table for the binary tetrahedral group may be conveniently calculated and written out in this notation.
Corrected September 26 2004.
Reset using MathJax August 21 2024.

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