So, instead of considering all possible substitutions, we just think about some simple ones: those where we leave the alphabet in order, and just shift by a few letters. Julius Caesar is reported to have used such a cipher with a shift of 3 for his military communications.
The correspondence between plaintext and ciphertext is as follows:
If we encrypt veni vidi vici using the Caesar cipher, we get SBKF SFGF SFZF. To decrypt, we just shift back by 3 letters.
So where's the math? Let's see if we can find it.
First, we assign a number to each letter of the
plaintext alphabet, beginning with 0, so we that have the
correspondence below.
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | |
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
Now, we can view our enciphering as taking the number corresponding to the letter, adding 3 to it, and then writing down the letter that corresponds to the sum. If the result is 26 or larger, we subtract 26 so that if falls back in the desired range.
This type of arithmetic is called addition modulo 26 or just
adding mod 26. The number 26 is called the base.
You are already quite familiar with another type
of modular arithmetic, namely working mod 12. When we answer a
question like ``What time will it be 4 hours after 10 o'clock?'', we
are adding mod 12. Another way to view modular arithmetic is that we
do ``regular'' arithmetic, divide the answer by the base, and then only
keep the remainder.6 We sometimes also work modulo 7 when we make statements
like ``My birthday is on a Friday this year, so next year it will be
on Saturday''- here we are using the fact that
365 = 7 x 52 + 1,
. Waiting a year advances the day of the
week by one (except in a leap year).
Returning to our encryption problem, we see that applying the Caesar cipher corresponds just to adding 3 (mod 26). To decipher, we can either subtract 3 modulo 26 (remembering to add 26 to the answer if it turns out negative), or we can add 23, which is 26-3. These give exactly the same answer after reducing modulo 26, in the same way that a clock will read the same if you move the hands ahead by 3 hours or back 9 hours.
A useful mental model for modular addition is a ``number circle''. Take the familiar number line and wrap it around a circle so that the base (26) falls on zero. Then adding corresponds to a clockwise rotation, and subtraction to counterclockwise rotation.
Naturally, we don't have to shift by 3 as Julius Caesar did (apparently Augustus Caesar preferred to shift by 1). We have 25 possible ciphers like the Caesar cipher, which are called shift ciphers, or sometimes the general shift cipher is called ``a Caesar cipher''.7If someone says the Caesar cipher, they almost certainly mean a shift cipher with a shift of 3.
Notice that shift ciphers are very easy to break, since you
only have to guess one letter and then you know everything. If you
haven't already discovered it, the title of this note is encrypted
with a shift cipher, leaving the spaces and punctuation in.
So that you don't have to look back, the (encrypted) title is