It is not necessary to provide an efficient algorithm guaranteed to crack all instances of a cryptosystem to call its security into question, and our analysis is only an indication that the simple system of the previous section can often be broken.
Suppose we are given the sequence :
must be larger than all the
, hence it must be significantly
larger than the earliest members of the sequence.
The decryption method begins by guessing which
of the known correspond to a few of the early members of the sequence.
A trial-and-error approach is considered feasible for practical size
Suppose we have guessed that 2464, 611, and 2456 correspond to
the first three , and further that 2464 corresponds to
It is plausible that restrictions of this kind give a lot of
information about . As we look at all possible values of
mod 2464 is evenly distributed through the entire range
from 0 to 2463. If we require, for example, that the number is
, we would expect that only about
of the values for
satisfy this. It seems plausible that the
distribution of
is independent of the distribution of
, so a similar restriction on the second number reduces
the possible values of
In our example,
. We look at the values of
for something which makes
mod 2464 small. Part of the
[The published algorithm recommends guessing more than 3 of the
lowest and determining
from an integer program:
is close to
, we
try using
on the
, which gives:
The were generated using
. Comparison of the
with the ``almost'' super-increasing
sequence obtained above shows that, except for the first few terms,
the ratio of terms from the two sequences is nearly constant. Since
a multiple of a super-increasing sequence is super-increasing,
this explains why we would expect to obtain a useful sequence.