MAT 132 Calculus II![]() Single Variable Calculus Stony Brook University Edition, Brooks/Cole Publishing, 2005, ISBN 0-495-08145-0. This book is essentially the same as Stewart's Calculus: Concepts & Contexts, 3rd edition. The latter book is more expensive; the Stony Brook edition is available at the campus bookstore at a special (slightly reduced) price. Students who prefer to use a copy of Concepts & Contexts are welcome to do so; however, make sure you are using the 3rd edition, as other editions are slightly different (in partucular, homework problems might have different numbers). Prerequisite: to take this course, you must have received
Lectures and Recitations: Every student is expected to attend both lectures and recitations every week. Lectures will give you some basic understanding of the material. Recitations will build your problem-solving skills, and are very important because you cannot learn math without actively doing it. The list of instructors and the schedule and locations of lectures and recitations is on the Instructors & Recitations page. Make sure you know your lecture and recitation section numbers; you must be enrolled in the recitation you attend. Every lecturer and recitation instructor will hold office hours every week (the times and locations are also on the Instructors & Recitations page). You are more than welcome to see your lecturer or recitation instructor to discuss homework or other questions. If you have organizational questions, issues or complaints about the course, please contact your recitation instructor first. If this does not resolve the matter, you should then contact your lecturer, and then the Course Coordinator (Olga Plamenevskaya). Homework will be assigned weekly and posted on the Homework webpage. The homework must be turned to your recitation instructor and will be due at the first meeting of your recitation section the following week. Only the problems indicated in bold are to be turned in. You should still do all problems assigned; it is quite likely that some exam questions will be very similar to (or even exactly the same as) the homework problems that are not to be turned in. No late homework will be accepted. Grading policy: the course grade will be based on homework, two midterms and the final exam, as follows.
Homework: 20% No makeups will be given for any exams. However, if you miss a midterm because of documented circumstances beyond your control, then, at the discretion of your instructors, the points you lost on the midterm will be added to your final exam total score. The same rule applies to missed homeworks. It will also be possible to replace a midterm score in the same way if you did poorly because of documented external circumstances (for example, taking the test while sick); however, if you choose to do this and receive an even lower score on the final, you cannot restore your midterm points. See Example below for an explanation. Example Student A was sick and missed Midterm II (100 points) and two homeworks (10 points each). The final exam was worth 200 points for most students; for her, the total possible points on the final was 200+100+10+10=320 points. She got 80% of the final correct, this earning 256 points and compensating for the missed work. Student B wrote Midterm I while sick and only got 60 out of 100 points. Thinking that he can do better (and having a medical letter), he spoke to his professor to have the midterms points added to the final. Thus the final was worth 200+100=300 points for him. However, he only got 50% of the final, for a total of 150 points. It would be better for him to have 50% of the final+60% of the midterm, for a total of 160 points, but he is not allowed to reverse his decision. Calculators will not be allowed on exams in this course. While you can use a calculator to check your solutions to homework problems, you are strongly encouraged to work without a calculator. Need math help? Your recitation instructor and lecturer will be happy to help. You are encouraged to come to their office hours with questions on homework and lectures. If you cannot make it at the designated times, you can email your instructor to arrange an appointment. More help is available at the Math Learning Center, located in the Math Tower basement, room S-240A. For more information, click here. DSS advisory. If you have a physical, psychiatric, medical, or learning disability that could adversely affect your ability to carry out assigned course work, we urge you to contact the Disabled Student Services office (DSS), Educational Communications Center (ECC) Building, room 128, (631) 632-6748. DSS will review your situation and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation regarding disabilities will be treated as strictly confidential. Students for whom special evacuation procedures might be necessary in the event of an emergency are encouraged to discuss their needs with both the instructor and with DSS. Important information regarding these issues can also be found at the following web site: http://ws.cc.stonybrook.edu/ehs/fire/disabilities.shtml |