34, 38, 40,45,
47,51, 54, 57, 58
(note: in 58 an intersection point should be an
intersection of at least two lines)
is a short and nice account of the subject. Here
are the slides. Here
is homework 0.
4. Polygons and triangles
53, 56,59,60,
9/2 Labor day - no class
Homework 0 and 1 are due 9/4.
5. Isosceles triangles and symmetry.
6. Congruence tests for triangles.
62, 63, 64, 65,
67, 70,71, 72,
74, 77, 79, 80, 84, 85.
In problem 62 to 74 you cannot use congruence of triangles (SAS,
ASA etc)
Homework 2 is due 9/11.
7. Inequalities in triangles
86, 87,
89, 90, 92, 94
In problem 89 where it says "greater" it should say
"smaller". In problem 94 where it
says "smaller" it should say "greater".
Can you proof that 89 and 94, as stated in the book,
are false?
In a separate page, write in your own words (English words, no
symbols) a summary of the postulates and theorems in Sections 1 to
7 (including 7).
For each theorem write a SHORT (about one - two - three sentences)
idea of the proof (e.g,it uses symmetry, and/or the postulate
"there is a unique line passing through any two
distinct points ").
Number the theorems so you refer to these numbers when a statment
is used in the proof of another theorem.
(This summary is part of homework 4)
Homework 3 is due 9/18.
On Wed 9/18 the class will take place at the SCGP. (see here)
Homework 3 will be collected there.
8. Right triangles.
96, 97,
98, 101
Read Section 8 (Rigth triangles) before doing the homework.
Homework 4 is due 9/25.
9. Segment and angles bisectors.
109, 110, 111, 112.
Write down the proofs of these statements with appropriate
justification (appropriate means providing only
the relevant
and necessary
steps to obtain the proof).
DO NOT use symbols or abreviations, with the exception of <,
>, +, =, symbol for angle, symbol for congruence and other
symbols that for parts of formulae.
Use complete English sentences. Here
are good guidelines for proof writing.
After your finish writing your problems, read them out loud, to be
sure that the English is correct, and that what your wrote is
mathematically correct.
Correct writing (in the sense just explained) will be part of the
grade from now on.
Homework 5 is due 10/2. Miderm I, Monday 30/9
10 Basic contruction problems
11 Parallel lines
120c, 123, 126, 129, 131, 132,133,
134, 138, 140 (you should show all possible
configurations for 1, 2, 3. lines, until you find a configuration
that yields 5 regions. You do not need write a proof that the
configurations you found are all the possible ones.),
141, 150, 151.