SUNY at Stony Brook MAT 310: Linear Algebra
Fall 2012


There will be two midterms in class on 10/4 and 11/8 . The final exam is scheduled for Monday, December 17, 5:30PM-8:00PM . Erth and Space 131

Make certain that you will be available at these times, as there will be no scheduled make-ups for these tests.

Please note that makeup exams are only given if a student misses an exam for unforseeable circumstances beyond the student's control. In particular, schedule conflicts (such as other exams, or plane flights) are not an acceptable reason for missing an exam.

In preparing for the midterm you should review each of the main definitions and the statements of the main theorems given in the text. Also you should try to work out the problems in the review sheet for the course midterms.

Practice MidtermI

Solutions of Practice MidtermI

Practice MidtermII

Practice MidtermII Solutions. Odd problems
Practice MidtermII Solutions. Even problems

Practice Final
Practice Final Even Numbers
Practice Final Odd Numbers