SUNY at Stony Brook MAT 131:
Fall 2017

General Information

Textbook: Single Variable Calculus (Stony Brook Edition 4), by James Stewart available at the University Bookstore @ Stony Brook. This edition, essentially the same as Single Variable Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, 4th ed, comes with an access code for WebAssign, which we will be using this semester(MAT125 and MAT131 use the same text book). You are free to use an older version of the textbook. But then you will need to buy stand-alone access for WebAssign. You can get electronic access to the text together with WebAssign access at WebAssign. You can also get electronic access to individual chapters; and then you will still need to buy access to WebAssign.

The textbook is available in University bookstore or directly from the publisher.

Calculators use: The course does not require use of a calculator. You can use one to do the homeworks, but it will be mostly useless. Moreover, use of calculators will not be allowed in the Early exam. Decision about use of calculators in the midterms and final exam will be made later.

Homeworks and exams: There will be weekly homework assignments, consisting of online homework (WebAssign) and some paper homeworks. For more details, see "homeworks" link to the left.

In addition, there will be an early exam on 9/12, two midterm exams and the final exam. The time of these exams is as follows:
Early Exam: Time TBA, 9/12
Midterm 1: Time TBA, 10/3
Midterm 2: Time TBA, 11/2
Final exam: 11:15am-1:45pm, 12/13

Grades policy: Your final grade will be determined by the weighted average of grades for homeworks, midterms, and the final exam:
Homeworks: 20%
Early exam: 5%
Midterms: 20% each
Final exam: 35%

Information for students with disabilities
If you have a physical, psychological, medical, or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services at (631) 632-6748 or They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.

Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and Disability Support Services. For procedures and information go to the following website: