M. Martens, B. Winckler:
Instability of Renormalization submitted for publication. |
M. Martens, L. Palmisano, B. Winckler:
The Rigidity Conjecture
will appear in Indagationes Mathematicae. |
P. Guarino, M. Martens, W. de
Melo: Rigidity of
critical circle maps submitted for publication |
D. Gaidashev, T. Johnson, M.
Martens: Rigidity for
infinitely renormalizable area-preserving maps Duke Math. 165(1), 129-159, 2016. |
M. Martens, B. Winckler: :
Physical Measures for
infinitely renormalizable Lorenz Maps accepted for publication in Erg. The and Dyn. Sys. |
P. Hazard, M. Martens, and C.
Tresser: Zero entropy
Henon-like maps depend on infinitely many parameters accepted for publication in Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. |
M. Martens, B. Winckler:
the Hyperbolicity of Lorenz Renormalization Comm. Math. Phys. (2013) 325(1), 185-257 and Institute for Mathematical Sciences SUNY at Stony Brook preprint 2012/05 |
M. Lyubich, M. Martens:
Renormalization of Henon Maps: a
survey Dynamics, Games, and Science I, M.M. Peixoto, A.A. Pinto, D.A. Rand eds., Springer 2011, 597-618. |
F.H. Kwakkel, M. Martens, M.
Focal rigidity of flat tori Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, Sep 30, 2011 |
M. Lyubich, M. Martens:
in Two-dimensional Dynamics Institute for Mathematical Sciences SUNY at Stony Brook preprint 2011/02 |
P.E. Hazard, M. Lyubich, M.
Martens: Renormalisable
Maps and Unbounded Geometry Nonlinearity (2012), 25(2), 397-420. Institute for Mathematical Sciences SUNY at Stony Brook preprint 2010/02 |
M. Kim, M. Martens, S.
Sutherland: A
Universal Bound for the Average Cost of Root Finding Institute for Mathematical Sciences SUNY at Stony Brook preprint 2009/01 |