MAT 360: Geometric structures Fall 2015 | |
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General InformationSchedule: MW 2:30pm-3:50pm, Mathematics 4-130 Instructor: Alexander Kirillov, kirillov at Office Hours: TBA Course description: This is a course in planar geometry, covering both Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries. It is assumed that you have already had a high-school course in Euclidean geometry. Our approach will be primarily axiomatic. We will be doing a lot of proofs, so it is crucial that you be familar with basic logic and proof techniques (as covered in MAT 200). Detailed syllabus is available here Textbook: Geometry, Book I. Planimetry, by Kiselev; adapted from Russian by Alexander Givental, Sumizdat, El Cerrito, Calif., 2006. This is a required text. Unfortunately, it doesn't cover everything we'll discuss in the course; additional notes will be posted here as needed. Homeworks and exams: There will be weekly homework assignments. For more details, see "Syllabus and Homeworks" link to the left. In addition, there will a midterm exam and the final exam. The time of these exams is as follows: Grades policy:
Your final grade will be determined by the weighted average of grades for homeworks, midterm, and the final exam: Information for students with disabilities Students who require assistance during emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their needs with their professors and Disability Support Services. For procedures and information go to the following website: Academic integrity Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work. Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected instances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. Faculty in the Health Sciences Center (School of Health Technology & Management, Nursing, Social Welfare, Dental Medicine) and School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. For more comprehensive information on academic integrity, including categories of academic dishonesty, please refer to the academic judiciary website: Critical Incident Management Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are required to report to the Office of Judicial Affairs any disruptive behavior that interrupts their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn. Faculty in the HSC Schools and the School of Medicine are required to follow their school-specific procedures. |
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