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MAT 312/AMS 351 Problem Sets
There will be 11 weekly problem sets. Each problem set is due at the beginning of lecture on Thursday. The lowest problem set score from the semester will be dropped when computing final course grades. Problems due one week will often practice material covered in previous weeks. It is important to do the problems in a timely manner; do not postpone problems until the last minute.
You are encouraged to work with other students in the class, but your final write-up must be your own and must be based on your own understanding. Moreover, write-ups must be legible, must be written in correct, understandable English, and must adhere to the usual standards for a 300-level mathematics / applied mathematics course. Write-ups which prove too difficult to read or understand may be marked incorrect and / or may be returned to the student to be rewritten. All questions regarding grading of a problem set should be addressed to the instructor in a timely fashion.
Some of the problems below are just for practice. It is a good idea to know how to solve these problems; similar problems may appear in the weekly quizzes.