MAT 312/AMS 351 — Fall 2016 Homepage MAT 312/AMS 351 — Fall 2016 Syllabus MAT 312/AMS 351 — Fall 2016 Problem Sets

MAT 312/AMS 351 Exams
Applied Algebra

Fall 2016

  • Attendance/Missing Exams
  • Notes
  • Identification
  • Electronic Device Policy
  • Midterms
  • Final Exam

  • Following are the standard exam policies. Further academic policies are available from the university webpage.

    Attendance/Missing Exams You must show up on time for all exams. Within the first 20 minutes of each exam, no students will be allowed to leave the exam room. No students arriving after the first 20 minutes will be allowed to take the exam. Students finishing within the last 10 minutes of the exam must remain until the exam is over and then follow the instructions for turning in their exams (for instance, students are often asked to turn in exams row-by-row).

    If you have a university-approved reason for taking an exam at a time different than the scheduled exam (because of a religious observance, a student-athlete event, etc.), please contact your instructor, Jason Starr, as soon as possible. Similarly, if you have a documented medical emergency which prevents you from showing up for an exam, again contact Jason Starr as soon as possible.

    For excused absences from an exam, the usual policy is to drop the missed exam and compute the exam total using the other exams. In some circumstances, a make-up exam may be scheduled for the missed exam. For an excused absence from the final exam, the correct letter grade can only be assigned after the student has completed a make-up final exam.

    Notes All exams are closed notes and closed book. Once the exam has begun, having notes or books on the desk or in view will be considered cheating and will be referred to the Academic Judiciary.

    Identification For all exams, you must bring your Stony Brook ID. These IDs may be checked against the class picture sheet.

    Electronic Device Policy It is not permitted to use cell phones, calculators, laptops, MP3 players, Blackberries or other such electronic devices at any time during exams. If you use a hearing aid or other such device, you should make your instructor aware of this before the exam begins. You must turn off your cell phone, etc., prior to the beginning of the exam. If you need to leave the exam room for any reason before the end of the exam, it is still not permitted to use such devices. Once the exam has begun, use of such devices or having such devices in view will be considered cheating and will be referred to the Academic Judiciary. Similarly, once the exam has begun any communication with a person other than the instructor or proctor will be considered cheating and will be referred to the Academic Judiciary.

    Midterm 1 The first in-class midterm will be held on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29. This exam is worth 15% of the course points.

    Midterm 2 The second in-class midterm will be held on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27. This exam is worth 15% of the course points.

    Midterm 3 The third in-class midterm will be held on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22. This exam is worth 15% of the course points.

    Final exam The final exam will be held on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 5:30PM—8PM. The room of the exam is Library W4525. The final exam is worth 30% of the course points.

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    Jason Starr
    4-108 Math Tower
    Department of Mathematics
    Stony Brook University
    Stony Brook, NY 11794-3651
    Phone: 631-632-8270
    Fax: 631-632-7631
    Jason Starr