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Problem Sets
Under no circumstances will late homework be accepted.
When there is a valid excuse, a homework may be waived, and then the homework total will be computed using the remaining homeworks (each weighted a bit more).
There will be eleven WebAssign problem sets, with the lowest score dropped when computing final grades. There will be eleven paper homeworks, with the lowest score dropped when computing final grades.
For all problem sets, students are allowed to work together. However, the final answer you turn in must be based on your own understanding and must be in your words. Per university policy, all instances of suspected academic dishonesty will be referred to the academic judiciary.WebAssign
A portion of each weekly problem set will be completed via WebAssign. You can access WebAssign from any computer with Internet access and a recent web browser (the computers in the SINC sites, for instance).After they are assigned, the online problems may be completed anytime before the assigned deadline. You can look at problems online, print them out, work on them as long as you like, and then answer them in a later Internet session (before the deadline). The online problems are automatically graded with instant feedback.
The online problems are of different types; some are short answer and some are multiple choice. There are different problems and different variants of the same problem. Different students will be assigned different problems. So do not try to compare your answers to another student's answers. As always, you are encouraged to work with other students to understand the course material. However all answers you submit for credit must be based on your own understanding and must be written in your own words.
Accessing WebAssign (Updated)
The link that was previously listed appears to no longer work. Students are encouraged to follow the suggestions contained in the announcements in the Blackboard page for the MAT 131 lecture (either Lecture 01 or Lecture 02). For most students, the correct initial username is the same as the Stony Brook University e-mail address of the form Students who need further help accessing WebAssign are encouraged to contact the WebAssign support following the links provided in the announcements under Blackboard.
Doing the Assignment
WebAssign has a variety of different question types, ranging from multiple choice to fill-in-the-blank to symbolic questions. Here are some things to keep in mind as you work through your assignments:- Some questions require entering symbolic notation. Answer symbolic questions by using calculator notation. You must use the exact variables specified in the questions. The order is not important as long as it is mathematically correct. Clicking on the eye button previews the expression you enter in proper mathematical notation. Clicking on the symbolic formatting help button provides tips for using the correct keystrokes.
- When you click on some WebAssign math questions an input palette will open. This palette, called mathPad, will help you enter your answer in proper notation.
- You can save your work without grading by selecting the Save Work button at the end of the question. After you save your work, it will be available to you the next time you click the assignment.
- Please note that WebAssign will not automatically submit your answers for scoring if you only Save your work. Please be sure to Submit prior to the due date and time.
- You can submit answers by question part or for the entire assignment. To submit an individual question answer for grading, click the "Submit New Answers to Question" button at the bottom of each question. To submit the entire assignment for grading, click the "Submit All New Answers" button at the end of the assignment.
- Some WebAssign questions check the number of significant figures in your answer. If you enter the correct value with the wrong number of significant figures, you will not receive credit, but you will receive a hint that your number does not have the correct number of significant figures.
- While different students may get slightly different versions of the assignment, your questions will be the same every time you return. This means you can print out the assignment, work the problems, and then come back later and put in your answers. Since you get multiple attempts to get the question correct, be sure to leave yourself enough time to rework the problems that you did wrong.
- Each question is (typically) worth one point. If a question has multiple answers, each of those are worth a fraction of a point.
- If you put in a wrong answer for a question and ask to have it graded, you will be told it is wrong and be ably to try again. However, if you put in the correct answer on the second try, you get half credit. On the third try, you get 1/3 credit, and so on.
- If you have issues with the assignment, you can use the "Ask your Teacher" button to send a message to your TA and/or lecturer. You should make it clear which problem you are talking about, and what, specifically, your issue is. Using "Ask your teacher" is prefered to sending an email because your question gets saved with your assignment.
Paper Homework
There will also be weekly paper homework assigned the week prior to the homework deadline and collected in recitation (usually the last recitation of each week). Graded paper homeworks will be returned in recitation.
Under no circumstances will late homework be accepted.
Paper Homework 1. Due in second recitation, week of 30 Aug -- 3 Sept.
Section 1.1, Problem 46.Section 1.2, Problem 86.
Section 1.3, Problem 150.
Paper Homework 2. Due in final recitation of the week, week of 6 Sept -- 10 Sept.
Section 1.4, Problem 190.Section 1.5, Problem 302.
Section 2.1, Problem 28.
Paper Homework 3. Due in second recitation, week of 13 Sept -- 17 Sept.
Section 2.2, Problem 34.Section 2.3, Problem 98 (please note that the constant a is nonzero).
Section 2.4, Problem 152.
Paper Homework 4. Due in second recitation, week of 20 Sept -- 24 Sept.
Section 2.5, Problem 200.Chapter 2 Review , Problem 226.
Section 3.1, Problem 42.
Paper Homework 5. Due in second recitation, week of 4 Oct -- 8 Oct.
Section 3.4, Problem 166.Section 3.5, Problem 206.
Section 3.5, Problem 208.
Paper Homework 6. Due in recitation, week of 11 Oct -- 15 Oct.
Section 3.6, Problem 243.Section 3.7, Problem 298.
Paper Homework 7. Due in second recitation, week of 18 Oct -- 22 Oct.
Section 3.8, Problem 330. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.Section 3.9, Problem 362. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.
Paper Homework 8. Due in second recitation, week of 25 Oct -- 29 Oct.
Section 4.1, Problem 4. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.Section 4.2, Problem 80. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.
Section 4.3, Problem 144. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.
Paper Homework 9. Due in second recitation, week of 8 Nov -- 12 Nov.
Section 4.4, Problem 182. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.Section 4.6, Problem 306. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.
Section 4.7, Problem 354. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.
Paper Homework 10. Due in second recitation, week of 15 Nov -- 19 Nov.
Section 4.8, Problem 374. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.Section 5.1, Problem 56. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.
Section 5.2, Problem 126. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.
Paper Homework 11. Due in second recitation, week of 29 Nov -- 3 Dec.
Section 5.3, Problem 200. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.Section 5.5, Problem 314. Use clear language and complete sentences in your answer.
Jason Starr
4-108 Math Tower
Department of Mathematics
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3651
Phone: 631-632-8270
Fax: 631-632-7631
Jason Starr