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- The common exams are online exams and follow the Stony Brook University policies for online exams. In particular, the exams are closed notes, closed books, and students are not allowed to use computers or other electronic devices to help them with test problems (since the exam is online, students will use computers to read questions and input answers).
- If you have a university-approved reason for taking an exam at a time different than the scheduled exam (because of a religious observance, a student-athlete event, etc.), please contact your instructor and Jason Starr as soon as possible.
For all exams, you must bring your Stony Brook ID, to be checked against picture sheets.MIDTERM 1
Midterm 1 will be on Thursday, September 30. There will be two parts, both of which are mandatory. The first part is an in-lecture exam during the regular Thursday lecture. The second part is an online exam held from 8:15-9:35pm.For practice, here is a review sheet with practice problems. Also, here are solutions to the review sheet problems. This review sheet is adapted from a review sheet in a previous semester. Time permitting, this review sheet may be updated with further questions before September 30.
For further practice, here is the Fall 2017 Midterm 1 Review Sheet, here is the solution key to that practice, here is Fall 2010 Midterm 1. There is also a practice midterm 1 in the following MAT 131 Spring 2016 syllabus. There is a link to Midterm 1 in the MAT 131 Summer 2014 syllabus. Here is a link to Fall 2012 Midterm 1. Here is a link to Fall 2009 Midterm 1 Practice Problems.
Midterm 2 will be on Thursday, November 4. There will be two parts, both of which are mandatory. The first part is an in-lecture exam during the regular Thursday lecture. The second part is an online exam held from 8:15-9:35pm.For practice, here is a review sheet with practice problems. Also, here are solutions to the review sheet problems. This review sheet is adapted from a review sheet in a previous semester. The graphs for Problem 1 are here. The diagrams and solutions of the related rates problems are here and here. Time permitting, this review sheet may be updated with further questions before September 30.
For further practice, here is the Fall 2017 Midterm 2 Review Sheet, here is the solution key to that practice, here is Fall 2010 Midterm 2. There is a link to Midterm 2 in the MAT 131 Summer 2014 syllabus. Here is a link to Fall 2012 Midterm 2. Here is a link to Fall 2009 Midterm 2 Practice Problems.
Final exam
The final exam is Wednesday, December 8 from 2:15 pm-5pm. The rooms for the final exam are organized by recitation.For practice, here is a review sheet with practice problems. Also, here are handwritten solutions to some of the practice problems: (first page, second page, third page, fourth page, fifth page, sixth page, seventh page, eighth page, ninth page).
For further practice, here is the Fall 2017 Final Exam Review Sheet, and here is the solution key to that practice. Here is a link to the Fall 2012 Practice Final. Here is a link to Fall 2009 Final Exam Practice Problems. Here is a link to the Fall 2008 Final Exam, and here are solutions. Here is a link to the Fall 2007 Final Exam, and here are scanned solutions, ( Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9, Page 10, Page 11, Page 12, Page 13, Page 14.)
Jason Starr
4-108 Math Tower
Department of Mathematics
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3651
Phone: 631-632-8270
Fax: 631-632-7631
Jason Starr