This question was asked by mathematician Percy Diaconis in 1988 and was open until this year, when the solution was found by Robert Hough, assistant professor at mathematics department of SBU and Yang Chu, an undergraduate student working with Hough as part of Enhanced REU program sponsored by the Summer Math Foundation. They have posted a preprint in which they provide a full answer to this question.

Read more about it in this article in Quanta magazine.

Stony Brook University Distinguished Professor of Mathematics Mikhail Lyubich has been honored with membership to the elite American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS), which recognizes the outstanding achievements of individuals in academia, the arts, business, government and public affairs.

A leader in the field of dynamical systems, Lyubich is Director of the Institute for Mathematical Sciences at Stony Brook. He is one of the founders of modern real and complex one-dimensional dynamics, having in many ways shaped the development of the field. …

Xiuxiong Chen is a leading figure in complex geometry with fundamental contributions to the field. He and his collaborators have made major breakthroughs and finally settled several long-standing problems. With S.K. Donaldson and S. Sun, Chen proved the stability conjecture (which goes back to Yau) on Fano Kähler manifolds.


A celebration of Misha Lyubich's 60th birthday

May 27-June 7, 2019

An endowment made in the memory of Dr. John H. Marburger, III, former president of Stony Brook University, director of Brookhaven National Laboratory, science advisor to President George W. Bush, and Vice President for Research at Stony Brook, provides funding support for women undertaking advanced graduate study in the physical sciences, engineering, or mathematics.

Aleksander Doan is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Mathematics, working in the field of differential geometry. In his thesis, he studied the phenomenon of energy concentration for solutions to the equations of gauge theory, and explored a relationship between gauge theory and algebraic geometry.


Professor Leon A. Takhtajan, a member of the Department of Mathematics in the College of Arts and Sciences, is a highly regarded mathematical physicist who has produced fundamental and pioneering work on the theory of classical and quantum integrable systems and string theory, with deep applications to algebraic geometry, the Teichmüller theory of Riemann surfaces, and number theory. He has co-authored several highly influential textbooks, regarded as must-reads for several generations of mathematical physicists.  …

The American Mathematical Society (AMS) awarded two Stony Brook University faculty and one former faculty member with the 2019 Oswald Veblen Prize in Geometry. Among this year’s recipients are Xiuxiong Chen, a professor in the Department of Mathematics; Sir Simon Donaldson, a permanent member of the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics and a professor in the Department of Mathematics; and Song Sun, currently in the Department of Mathematics at University of California, Berkeley.
