If you are trying to register for an Applied Math course (AMSXXX), we cannot give you permission to enroll.
Please reach out to the Undergraduate Program Coordinator in Applied Mathematics, Ms. Cathy Arrighetta,
Cathy.Arrighetta@stonybrook.edu, for more information.


Academic advising:

  • General Stony Brook University academic and transfer advising assistance may be found here.
  • Math Department advising hours can be found here. Advisors are available both in-person and via zoom. 
    • When it’s in-person, you’ll see the location listed under the advisor’s name on the calendar. 
    • When it’s via Zoom, it will say “zoom” under the advisor’s name. To get to the Zoom meeting link, please click on the advisor’s name and a window should pop up with details about the advisor, and you’ll want to click on where it says “Zoom Personal Meeting”. 
    • If none of these times work, you can email any of those advisors directly or upd@math.stonybrook.edu to schedule a meeting.
  • In preparation for your advising appointment, it may be helpful to review the Math major and minor checklists.
  • Other, additional related information to the Math major or minor, which may be helpful.

Should you require additional information, please email math_info@stonybrook.edu


Course scheduling:

  • Math placement exam: please see information regarding the placement exam here. If you are unable to schedule your exam from your SOLAR account, you can contact Student Programs and Family Orientations office.
  • Course syllabi: Please find detailed information for Undergrad Math courses here.
    • Syllabi can be found by drilling down on each course you are interested in learning more about.
  • If you are experiencing trouble enrolling in a course, please send an email to upd@math.stonybrook.edu and include the following: 1) course section number (lecture and recitation) and 5 digit class number, 2)your SBU ID# and 3) screenshot of the error message(s) for each course you’re having trouble with. Please be aware we cannot override the “retake policy” delayed enrollment rule if you are attempting to retake a course. 
  • DegreeWorks/graduation review/graduation clearance: In addition to the university’s general advising and the Math Department’s advising, there is also DegreeWorks to help guide you in your progress towards graduation: https://it.stonybrook.edu/services/degree-works

That said, there are some combinations of courses that you can take that will fulfill MAT/MAP/MAE degree requirements, but aren’t easily and clearly reflected in the DegreeWorks system. If, after reviewing your DegreeWorks profile, you have a question as to what you may still need to take to graduate, please feel free to schedule an advising meeting with Math department advisors.   

  • Changing majors: We’d love for you to join us! Please find information here about how to change your major, from the Registrar’s website.

You may also want to schedule an advising appointment with Math Department advisors to make sure you’re prepared for your Math major or minor upon changing: https://www.math.stonybrook.edu/undergraduate-advising-schedule

Should you require additional information, please email math_info@stonybrook.edu


Course enrollment:

  • Course retakes
    • If retaking for the first time, i.e., this would be your second attempt, you must wait until the start of the semester to enroll in the course you are retaking. This is a university policy and on the academic calendar, it cannot be overridden by anyone in the Math department. Please find the academic calendars here and choose the Undergraduate calendar for the semester you plan to retake the course in: https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/registrar/calendars/academic_calendars

The Policy on Multiple Registrations for the Same Course, commonly called the “retake” policy, can be found here.

*Note that some courses are considered equivalent, for example, MAT125, MAT131 & AMS151; if you took one of these, then attempted to take another one of those, it would count as a “retake”*

  • For the third attempt retaking a course, you can contact the department for approval  using the form.

As part of that petition, you will need to request a letter from the Director of the Math Undergraduate Program (currently Dr. Scott Sutherland) approving your retake of the course. In your request for that approval  letter, you will need to detail what you believe went wrong in the previous attempts and what you will do differently and/or how you believe you’ll be successful this time.   You can contact the Undergraduate program director via email at upd@math.stonybrook.edu.

  • Lastly, please note that requests to take a class a 4th time are rarely approved, but you can get the petition from an advisor in ATAS (advising@stonybrook.edu). The petition typically requires a letter of support from the department offering the course. For such a letter, you will need to detail what you believe went wrong in the previous attempts and what you will do differently and/or how you believe you’ll ensure success this time. 
  • Drop Down: 
    • Some courses in Math and Physics have an extended add/drop period. To drop down in courses, please fill out the Drop Down form found here, on the Registrar’s website.

Please refer to the current semester’s course schedule to find a different course to enroll in that will work with your schedule: https://www.math.stonybrook.edu/course-schedules

Should you require additional information, please email math_info@stonybrook.edu


Math testing process:

  • Math Placement Exam and MAT 200 Challenge:
    • Any students that would like to schedule their MATH Placement Exams and/or any student that would like to take the MATH CHALLENGE Exam, please utilize the following information to schedule your Mathematics exam testing with the STONY BROOK University’s Testing Centers. These centers will provide you with proctored exams and accommodations tailored to any student's specific needs.
Student Accessibility Support Center (SASC):
  • The Student Accessibility Support Center (SASC) provides students that have approved accommodations, through SASC, a comfortable and accessible testing environment. We encourage you to communicate with the Testing Center staff.
  • Location: The Stony Brook Union, Suite 107, West Campus
  • Phone: (631) 632-6748
  • Email: sasc@stonybrook.edu
  • For updated office hours and additional information, visit their website: SASC Testing Center Website
Frey Testing Center (General Testing Reservations):
  • For TESTING Reservations for any student’s individual testing needs, please contact The FREY-Testing Center.
  • The FREY-Testing Center provides a 64-seat testing site, requiring students to make their reservations in advance. The Testing Center schedules on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Location: FREY HALL, Room 109, West Campus
  • Phone: (631) 632-1861
  • Email: testingcenter@stonybrook.edu
  • For updated office hours and additional information, visit their website: Frey Testing Center Website



  • Academic Progress for visas:

Please begin the process with a general academic advisor (https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/advising/_students/index.php) to complete section 1 of the Stony Brook University Visa & Immigration Services Academic Progress Review Form, found here.

Then, please email upd@math.stonybrook.edu to request sections 2 & 3 (if appropriate) of the form be completed by the Math Department.

If, after reviewing that website, you still need assistance with evaluating your transfer course(s), please reach out to Stony Brook University’s Academic and Transfer Advising Services (ATAS) department for non-Math courses. For Math-specific courses: If your class is not listed (or it is and says “Needs Department Evaluation”), please send to upd@math.stonybrook.edu: and include 1) the syllabus for the course(s) you took and want evaluated, and 2) fill out the following form for each course.

Should you require additional information, please email math_info@stonybrook.edu