MAT 598 Teaching Practicum, Fall 2017
First week agenda
- We will be meeting on Tuesday and Thursday 9-10am in room P-122.
- If you are assigned to a recitation, touch base with the instructor you are working with to find out what you are expected to do. Make an arrangement to meet with the instructor (monthly, at least) to compare notes on students' progress. Find out when the lectures are and attend at least once during the first week, and from time to time afterwards.
- If your recitation is scheduled before the first lecture, meet with the class; tell them your name and how to contact you by email; tell them your office hours. This information may need to be repeated at the second meeting. Ask them if they have any questions about the course. (You should know what the textbook is and you should have had a look at the syllabus). You might circulate a sign-up sheet and read it off to get a first pass at learning your students' names.
Tony Phillips
Aug 8, 2017