Decentralized Linear Strings with Nearest Neighbor Interaction,
with J.J.P. Veerman, submitted to Trans. Aut. Control Theory, 2010.
Available on Arxiv.
Automated Traffic and The Finite Size Resonance,
with J. J. P. Veerman, B. D. Stosic, J. Stat. Phys, 2009.
A two pressure numerical model of two fluid mixing,
with Glimm, J., Jin, H., Laforest, M., Tangerman, F.M., and Zhang, Y .
SIAM J. Multiscale Modeling and Simulation 1: 458-484 (2003).
Calculating Radiative Heat Transfer in an Axisymmetric Closed Chamber:
An Application to Crystal Growth
W. Garber and F. Tangerman, Submitted to Journal of Crystal Growth (1999).
Carotid Body Chemoreceptor Firing During Hypoxia Does Not Demonstrate
A Fractal Dimension With Poincare Plotting As Well As Statistical Analysis
And Does Not Resemble Deterministic Chaos and Is Thus Random,
A. Szema, D. Donnelly, F. Tangerman, K. Ye, S. Sutherland, and R.E.
Dutton, (1999).
MiDES Earth Sensor On Orbit Accuracy Compared to A High Performance
Star Tracker,
G. Rullman (Servo Corp. of America), L. Anderson (Servo Corp. of America),
A. Langmeier (Dasa/DSS), F. Tangerman, G. VanderWoude, American Astronomica
Society, AAS 90-9043, (1999).
Electromagnetic Scattering for Large Cavities: Iterative Methods,
with J. Asvestas, B. Bielefeld, Y. Deng, J. Glimm, and S. Simanca,
Communications of Applied Analysis, Vol 2, pp 37--48, 1998.
Front Tracking in Two and Three Dimensions
with J. Glimm, M.J. Graham, J. Grove, X-L. Li, T.M. Smith, D. Tan and
Q. Zhang, Computers Math. Applic, Vol 35, No. 7, pp 1--11, (1998).
Front tracking simulations of ion deposition and resputtering,
with J.Glimm, S.R. Simanca, D.Tan and G.Vanderwoude, Report No. SUNYSB-97-06,
State University of New York at Stony Brook, (1997). (Accepted for
publication in SIAM J. Sci. Comp.)
Applications of front tracking to the simulation of resin transfer modeling,
with Y.Song, W.Chui, J.Glimm, B.Lindquist, and F.Tangerman, Computers
\& Mathematics with Applications, (1997).
Process Modeling in Resin Transfer Molding as a Method to Enhance Product
, with W.K. Chui, J. Glimm, A.P. Jardine, J.S. Madsen, T.M. Donnellan,
and R. Leek, Siam Review, Vol 39, No. 4, pp 714--727, 1997.
Wave Fronts for Hamilton-Jacobi Equations: The General Theory for Riemann
Solutions in
{$\rm{R}^n$} with J. Glimm, H. Kranzer, D. Tan, and G. VanderWoude.
Commun. Math. Phys, Vol 187, No 3, pp 647--677, (1997).
Front Tracking Simulations of Ion Deposition and Resputtering,
with J. Glimm, S.R. Simanca, D. Tan and G.VanDerWoude, Accepted for
Publication, SIAM J. Sci. Comp., (1997).
A parallel algorithm for multizone, multiphase systems with application
to crystal growth,
with W.K. Chui, J.Glimm, H.Zhang, and V.Prasad, Journal of Crystal
Growth, Vol 180, No 3-4, pp 534-542, (1997).
Computational physics meets computational geometry,
with J.Glimm, S.R. Simanca, and T.Smith, Report No. SUNYSB-96-19, State
University of New York at Stony Brook, (1996).
Cantor sets on the line: scaling function and smoothness of the shift
with F. Przytycki, Nonlinearity, Vol 9, No 2, March (1996).
Stochastic simulations of fluid mixing and other applications of the
front tracking method,
with J.Glimm, M.J. Graham, and T.M. Smith, in High Performance Computing
(1996), A.Tentner, ed., Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego, (1996).
Porosity Migration in RTM
with W.K. Chui, J. Glimm, A.P. Jardine, J.S. Madsen, T.M. Donnellan,
and R. Leek, In ``Numerical Methods in Thermal Problems, Volume IX, Part
2'', Eds R. W. Lewis and P. Durbetaki, Pineridge Press, Swansea U.K., pp
1323--1333, (1995).
Modeling of Resin Transfer Molding
with W.K. Chui, J. Glimm, A.P. Jardine and J. Madsen, The First Regional
Symposium on Manufacturing Science and Technology, SUNY at Stony Brook,
Ed. F-P Chiang, I. Kao and E.Pak, (1995).
Electromagnetic Scattering: Iterative Methods for Solving Boundary Integral
with B. Bielefeld, Y. Deng, J. Glimm, J.S. Asvestas, Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc, Vol 122, pp 719--726, (1994).
Net Shape Simulation and Control
, with B. He, and G. VanderWoude, Proceedings of the National
Thermal Spray Conference, Boston, (1994) Ed. C. Berndt, (1994).
Dynamics of certain non-conformal degree two maps of the plane,
with B. Bielefeld, S. Sutherland and J.J.P. Veerman, accepted for publ.
Experiment. Math. 2 (1993), no. 4, 281--300.
Encorporation of two dimensional front--tracking into { PICS
{GCT} 1.0}, with B.Bielefeld and W.B. Lindquist Report No. SUNYSB-AMS-93-07,
State University of New York at Stony Brook, (1993).
Scalings in circle maps (III),
with J. Graczyk, G. Swiatek and J.J.P. Veerman, IMS preprint \#1992/6.
Intersection properties of invariant manifolds in certain twist maps,
with J.J.P. Veerman, Commun. Math.Phys, Vol 131, pp 245-265 (1991).
Scalings in circle maps (II),
with J.J.P. Veerman, Commun. Math. Phys., Vol 141, pp. 179-191 (1991).
Scalings in circle maps (I),
with J.J.P. Veerman, Commun. Math. Phys Vol 134, pp. 89-107 (1990).
On Aubry Mather sets,
with J.J.P. Veerman, Phys D46 (1990).
A remark on Herman's Theorem for Circle Diffeomorphisms, ,
with J.J.P. Veerman, IMS Preprint (1990).
Asymptotic geometry of hyperbolic well-ordered Cantor sets,
with J.J.P. Veerman, J. Stat. Phys., Vol 59, No 1-2, 299-321 (1990).
A remark on Herman's theorem for circle diffeomorphisms,
with J.J.P. Veerman, IMS preprint \#1990/13.
Renormalization of Aubry Mather sets,
with J.J.P. Veerman, J. Stat. Phys. Vol 56, No 1-2, 83-98 (1989).
Reidemeister Torsion and Analytic Torsion,
preprint, 1988.
Meromorphic continuation of Ruelle zeta functions
Ph.D Thesis, Boston University, (1986).
Dynamics of entire functions near the essential singularity,
with R.L. Devaney, Erg. Th. and Dyn.Syst (1986), 6, 489-503.
From a differentiable to a real analytic perturbation theory, application
to the Kupka Smale theorems,
with H.W. Broer, Erg. Theory and Dyn.Syst (1986), 6, 345-362.