MAT511 homework,         due Nov 12, 2003

  1. Suppose that $ A$ is a finite set with $ m$ elements, and $ B$ is a finite set with $ n$ elements.
    1. Find the total number of functions from $ A$ to $ B$ if
      • $ m=n$
      • $ m>n$
      • $ m<n$
    2. Find the number of one-to-one functions from $ A$ to $ B$ if
      • $ m=n$
      • $ m>n$
      • $ m<n$

  2. Give an example of functions $ f:A\rightarrow B$ and $ g:B\rightarrow C$, (be sure to specify domains and ranges) for which
    1. $ g$ is onto $ C$, but $ g\circ f$ is not onto $ C$.
    2. $ g\circ f$ is onto $ C$, but $ f$ is not onto $ B$.
    3. $ g$ is one-to-one, but $ g\circ f$ is not one-to-one.
    4. $ g\circ f$ is one-to-one but $ g$ is not one-to-one.

  3. Let $ f:{\mathbb{R}}\rightarrow {\mathbb{R}}$ be given by $ f(x) = x^2 + 1$. Find the following (remember that in this context $ [a,b]$ is the set $ \left\{{x\in{\mathbb{R}}  \vrule{}  a \le x \le b}\right\}$).
    1. $ f( [1,2] )$
    2. $ f( [-1,2] )$
    3. $ f^{-1}( [5,10] )$
    4. $ f^{-1}( [-1,5] \cup [17,26] )$

  4. Let $ f:A\rightarrow B$, and $ D\subseteq A$, $ E\subseteq B$. Prove that $ D \subseteq f\left( f^{-1}(D) \right)$. Also, Give an example where $ D \ne f\left( f^{-1}(D) \right)$.

Scott Sutherland 2003-11-08