forwarding your mail
I strongly recommend choosing a central address for reading all your
email, and forwarding all your mail to that. That way, you don't
leave mail lying all over the place, and checking it is easy.
Suppose you happen to prefer to use the address for your correspondence. To
forward your mail from just about any Unix system (this includes
mathlab and the IC computers), you merely have to create a file called
.forward in your home directory containing that address.
There are more ways to do this than I care to describe here. One of
them is to type the following at a command prompt:
echo >.forward
The echo command just parrots back whatever follows it (much
like an echo ...hmmm... I wonder where the name came from...), and
then the > tells the shell to use
output redirection
to stick the result in a file called .forward, creating it if
it isn't already there. I've assumed you typed this command from your
home directory; if
not, you'll have to type cd first.