Class |
Class Videos |
Other Videos |
Apps |
1/3 |
Functions: domain, range, vertical line test. |
Functions: even/odd symmetry, piecewise functions, difference quotient. |
Short: function notation |
Short: domain and range |
Lecture: Functions, domain and range. |
1/4 |
More on lines, other graphs, graph transformations |
Short: The Slope of a Line |
Lecture: Piecewise functions, graph transformations. |
Combining functions (arithmetically and composition), inverse functions |
Short: Composition of Functions |
Short: Inverse functions |
Lecture: more graph transforms, inverse functions. |
1/5 |
Recitation #2 (functions) |
Short: Definition of Sine and Cosine (in Right Triangles) |
more on inverses. Degree and Radian measure |
Short: The SOH CAH TOA mnemonic |
App: SohCahToa |
The unit circle, definition of trigonometric functions |
Lecture: Introduction to Trigonometry. |
Short: Trig values for special angles |
Lecture: Right-triangle Trigometry. |
App: Values on the unit circle |
Short: The unit circle and trigonometry |
App: Trigonometric functions on the unit circle |
Short: Radian measure |
App: Radian measure |
Lecture: Radian measure and trig on the unit circle. |
1/6 |
More trigonometry (including basic identities, periodicity, etc) |
Lecture: Simple trig identities. |
Reference angles, exact values of trig functions at special angles |
Short: Graphs of sine and cosine |
App: Trigometric functions and their graphs |
graphs of trig functions, transformations of trig graphs |
Lecture: Other trig functions & graphs of sine and cosine. |
App: Transformations of trig graphs |
App: 40 trig graph transformation problems |
1/10 |
Recitation #3 (mostly trig) |
Graphing trig functions |
App: quadratic graphs |
Quadratic functions, graphing, completing the square |
Lecture: Lines, circles, and parabolas. |
App: completing the square |
App: Conic sections: circles, ellipses, and parabolas |
1/11 |
Polynomials, zeroes, and graphs |
Intermediate Value Theorem, polynomial division |
Lecture: Exponents, ellipses, and polynomial division. |
Exponential Functions |
Lecture: Exponentials and logarithms. |
1/12 |
Midterm -- no videos today |
1/13 |
Logarithms |
Short: What is a logarithm? |
More Logarithms |
Short: Rules for manipulating logarithms |
(discussion of grading) solving equations |
Lecture: Graphs and solving equations. |
Lecture: more equation solving; review. |
1/17 |
(went over midterm) Recitation |
Lecture: Compound interest, e, and the natural logarithm. |
App: Exponential growth |
Compound Interest, Exponential Growth |
Short: Exponential growth and decay |
App: Exponential decay |
Exponential Decay, Trig Identities |
Lecture: Exponential growth/decay problems and logs. |
1/18 |
Sum and Difference formula for trig, solving trig equations |
Lecture: Angle sum, double angle, and half-angle formulae |
Rational functions |
Short: Rational functions |
Lecture: Rational functions. |
1/19 |
Review for final |
Review for final, continued |
Review for final, conclusion |
1/20 |
Final Exam |
Lecture: Trigonometry review, Law of Sines. |
App: Law of Sines |
Lecture: Law of sines, Law of cosines, and inverse trig functions. |
App: Law of Cosines |
Lecture: Inverse trig functions. |
Lecture: More trig&inverse trig; basic graphs. |
Lecture: A garden of graphs. |
Lecture: Review for midterm |
Lecture: More review. |
Lecture: more review |
Lecture: Review (logs & exponentials) |
Lecture: Review for midterm 2. |
Review Session Final Review |