First Midterm: 8:45 pm on Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Bring a photo ID. No calculators will be allowed. Bring a pen to the exam: while you may do the midterm in pencil (or crayon), you can only contest grading of problems done in non-erasable ink. Sorry. The midterm covers the material in Chapters 1 and 4 of the text. The first part of the midterm will consist of 8 very straightforward "mastery" problems. You must pass this section in order to get a grade of C or higher on the test, no matter how well you do on the remainder of the midterm. Doing all of the homework problems prior to the exam is a very good idea. Doing additional problems from the text can be helpful.In order to help you review and prepare, David Kahn has kindly posted some chapters from his Attacking Trigonometry Problems book:
- Unit One: Basic Trig Ratios
- Unit Two: Special Triangles
- Unit Three: Trig Ratios for Other Angles
- Unit Four: Degrees and Radians
- Unit Five: The Reciprocal Functions
Below are some sample problems you should be able to do. The format is, of course, quite different from the actual exam, but these should give you an idea of the type of questions to expect.
- 40 trigonometry practice problems (solutions).
- 40 interactive trig graph problems
- Practice problems for Midterm 1 (solutions (updated 9/28, 10:45pm).
Results: Below is a graph of the score distribution on the exam.
Students who got less than 10 on the midterm did not have their part 2
grades counted. A student who retakes part 1 and earns at least 10 points
on the retake will then have the score on part 2 included.
You can check your grade on
the Blackboard
Grade Center.
If you got less than 10 on part 1, you should retake part 1. Details on how
to do that will be announced here shortly.
If you are lost in this course, you should seriously consider moving down to
MAP103, which can be done with this
There were three different versions of the exam. Here is the Harpo version (and the solutions), the Chico version (and its solutions), or perhaps you prefer the Zeppo version (solutions). They are pretty similar, no matter which brother. If you see any typos, let me know.
Second Midterm: 8:45 pm on Thursday, October 29, 2015
The second midterm will cover the material we have covered since the first exam, specifically chapters 2 and 3 of the textbook. Material from chapter 1 (for example, on graphs, composition, and inverse functions) will be assumed. There will be no explicit trigonometry questions, but don't worry, it will come back again soon.
As before, the exam will have two parts, with the first part consisting of
short questions covering basic concepts, and the second part containing
longer problems. You must do reasonably well on the first part for the
second part to count.
Here are some sample problems you should be able to do, of varying levels of difficulty. Make sure you can do the homework problems (both paper homework and webassign) as well.
- practice problems for second midterm Here are the solutions
- Midterm from Summer 2015 (The format and coverage is different, but you should be able to do all these). Here are the solutions.
- Practice midterm part 1, Spring 2015 (The format and emphasis differs, but you should be able to do all these). Here are the solutions.
- Practice midterm part 2, Spring 2015 (The format and emphasis is different. You should be able to do all except perhaps problem 1). Here are the solutions
- Practice problems on logs and exponentials(with solutions) from David Kahn's Attacking Problems in Logarithms and Exponential Functions book.
Results: Below is a graph of the score distribution on the exam. As you can see, quite a few people did well, but a lot of people also need some work!
Students who got less than 10 on the midterm did not have their part 2
grades counted. If you are one of those people, you
can sign up to retake part 1 during the week of
Nov. 9.
Your score on part 1 will be the better of the two scores, and if you get at
least 10 on the retake, you will then have your part 2 score counted.
You can check your grade on
the Blackboard
Grade Center.
If you got less than 10 on part 1, you should retake part 1. Details on how
to do that will be announced here shortly.
If you are lost in this course, you should seriously consider moving down to
MAP103, which can be done with this
There were three different versions of the exam. Here is the Larry version (and the solutions), the Moe version (and its solutions), or perhaps you prefer the Curly version (solutions). All three stooges are pretty similar. If you see any typos, let me know.
Final Exam: 2:15pm on Wednesday, December 9, 2015
The final will be cumulative, covering everything that we have done in the class.
As with the midterms, the final will be given in two parts. If you passed part 1 of both midterms, you already have full credit for this part of the final, and can focus on part 2. If you failed to pass part 1 on either midterm, you will have to do part 1 on the final. If you forgot if you passed it already, check on blackboard.
Part 1 of the final will be similar to part 1 of the midterms, covering this
same material. Little partial credit will be given. There will not be a
make-up (because this is already a make-up.)
Part 2 will consist of longer, more in-depth questions, which may require
understanding of several aspects of the course to do completely.
Practice Problems:
Here are some sample problems you should be able to do, of varying levels of
difficulty. Make sure you can do the homework problems (both paper homework
and webassign) as well as all the problems on the previous midterms (and, if
you need to do part 1, also the part 1 retakes on webassign.)
- There are 129 practice problems for part 1 on webassign. These are drawn from a bank of problems used in the Spring 2015 course, and are all multiple choice. (Our part 1 will not be multiple choice).
- Practice for Part 2 of the final. (solutions - revised 12/9/15)
- Practice exam/review sheet from Spring 2015 (solutions)
- Final exam from Spring 2015 (solutions)
- Some practice problems about piecewise fuctions, written by Andrew Klampert . (solutions)
Review Sessions:
Several of the classes were devoted to review, and have been videotaped.
You can see them on the class videos page, but here
they are for easy reference:
- Lecture 27: more equation solving; review for final. (November 30, 2015)
- Lecture 28: More review for final. (December 2, 2015)
- Lecture 10: Midterm 1 Review (No Audio!). (September 28, 2015)
- Lecture 11: More Midterm 1 review. (September 30, 2015)
- Lecture 18: Review of logs & exponentials. (October 26, 2015)
- Lecture 19: Review for midterm 2. (October 28, 2015)
- Review Session for Final. (December 7, 2015)
For people who did not quite pass part 1, their grade on the final was
either F, D or C-; people who passed part 1 have grades on the final of C or
higher. Of the people who took part 1, the median was 16, which means more
people passed it than not. But a lot of people were still in the "not"
Below is a graph of the score distribution on the final, including people
who took part 1 and those who didn't need to.
You can check your grade in the Grade Center on blackboard.
Homework (both paper and WebAssign) and participation
Here is the distribution of grades from homework (combined webassign and paper), and including the participation grades from recitation.