Next: How to play poker
Up: Probabilistic Encryption
Previous: The inability to distinguish
Theorem 5.2 of the paper shows that
there is no property of the plaintext message which can be efficiently
estimated by looking at the ciphertext. Typical properties might
be ``the last bit of the plaintext is 0'' or ``the number of 1's
is twice as much as the number of 0's.'' In general, a property
is defined in the paper as the value of a function which
takes a message as input and gives a number as output. If
is constant for all , prediction of is trivial. Similarly,
if is almost constant for almost all , there is a simple
algorithm which will be close to right with high prob
We wish to show that, except in the special cases we've mentioned,
there is no efficient algorithm which will predict from
the ciphertext for . If there were,
we could run our algorithm to estimate
on the ciphertext from randomly generated until we found ,
on which the algorithm behaved differently. But this would
contradict the result of the previous section.
[The paper points out that it is not assumed that is
an easily computable function. I think this is a minor issue.
The theorem really discusses the capabilities of a an easily computable
program for estimating .]
Next: How to play poker
Up: Probabilistic Encryption
Previous: The inability to distinguish
Translated from LaTeX by Scott Sutherland