Prerequisites and Content
- To take this course, you must have received
- a grade of C or higher in MAT 131, MAT 141, or AMS 151; or else
- a rating of level 7 or better on the Mathematics Placement Examination.
MAT 132 covers infinite series, integration techniques, and differential equations. This is the material of chapters 5-8 of the Stewart textbook. Some basic familiariaty with integration is expected; we will not be covering sections 5.1-5.4 in much detail.
- May not be taken for credit in addition to MAT 127 or 142 or AMS 161.
Three related topics are studied in this course: integration; differential equations; sequences and series.
The course begins with a quick review of the definite integral and the fundamental theorem of calculus; (5.1-5.4 is the material for the first week).
Week by Week Syllabus