Department of Mathematics
SUNY at Stony Brook
Undergraduate Algebraic Geometry
Mat 401, Fall 2011
Time and Place : TueTh 2:20-3:40; Physics P122
Instructor : Radu Laza
Office : Math Tower 4-121
Email : rlaza@math.sunysb.edu
Office Hours: Tue 4-5
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Course Description
Prerequisite : There are no official prerequisites, but it is recommended that you have some background in Algebra (including rings and modules).
Textbook : We will not follow any particular book, but some recommendations are:
Note: We will follow the first three books [R], [S], [F]. The books [CA], [AG], and [H] are standard fare for a year long graduate course in Algebraic Geometry.
This course is an introduction to algebraic geometry for undergraduate students. We will discuss the basic concepts of algebraic geometry (affine varieties, Zariski topology, morphisms, projective and quasi-projective varieties, smoothness, singularities, etc.) with a focus on examples. Some commutative algebra is essential, we will try to review the necessary material on the go. The aim of the class is to give you an overview of algebraic geometry and to prepare you for a graduate class in AG.
- Welcome!
The course is open to anyone interested in algebraic geometry.
- The format is seminar type. I will start presenting the essential material, and in the second part of the semester you will have to do some presentations (under my guidance). There will be no exams, but you will have to do some assignments.
- The OH (Tue 4-5) is intended as an informal discussion of the material presented in class. You are encouraged to attend.
Lecture |
Day |
Topic |
Chapter |
Assignments |
1 |
Sept 1 |
Introduction to AG |
2, 3 |
Sept 6, 8 |
4, 5 |
Sept 13, 15 |
6, 7 |
Sept 20, 22 |
8 |
Sept 27 |
9, 10 |
Oct 4, 6 |
11. 12 |
Oct 11, 13 |
13, 14 |
Oct 18, 20 |
15, 16 |
Oct 25, 27 |
17, 18 |
Nov 1, 3 |
19, 20 |
Nov 8, 10 |
21, 22 |
Nov 15, 17 |
23 |
Nov 22 |
24, 25 |
Nov 29, Dec 1 |
26, 27 |
Dec 6, 8 |
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