The last part of the course is covered in the following text
Homework 1 is due on 9/18.
Revisit all the definitions in sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 11. Be prepared by Monday, September 23 for reproducing any of the definitions in writing.
Homework 2 is due on 9/25.
Homework 3 is due on 10/2.
Revisit all the definitions in sections 12 - 17. Be prepared by Monday, October 7 for reproducing any of the definitions in writing.
Homework 4 is due on 10/9.
Midterm exam will be on October 14 (Monday), in class. It will cover general topology. Here is a very detailed program for the exam. Among the problems there will be theorems with proofs from the following list. No books or notes are allowed on the exam.
A make up of the midterm exam will be on Monday, October 28 at 4 pm in Physics P123.
Homework 5 is due on 11/3.
Homework 6 is due on 11/13.
Homework 7 is due on 11/25.
Use the new version of the unpublished chapters of the textbook.
On Monday, December 16, in Math. Building P-131 at 5 pm I will give a consultation. Please, come with all your questions.
Stony Brook University expects students to maintain standards of personal integrity that are in harmony with the educational goals of the institution; to observe national, state, and local laws as well as University regulations; and to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty must notify the Office of Judicial Affairs of any disruptive behavior that interferes with their ability to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn.
DSS advisory. If you have a physical, psychiatric, medical, or learning disability that may affect your ability to carry out the assigned course work, please contact the office of Disabled Student Services (DSS), Humanities Building, room 133, telephone 632-6748/TDD. DSS will review your concerns and determine what accommodations may be necessary and appropriate. A written DSS recommendation should be brought to your lecturer who will make a decision on what special arrangements will be made. All information and documentation of disability is confidential. Arrangements should be made early in the semester so that your needs can be accommodated.