Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin
1919 - 1984

Biography. A concise, but quite complete and accurate biography of V.A.Rokhlin. is provided by MacTutor History of Mathematics archive.

V.A.Rokhlin's work in topology, English translation of a survey by Slava Khalamov and Oleg Viro published in Algebra and Analisys (1990) (Russian).

V.A.Rokhlin's work in Ergodic Theory, English translation of a survey by A. M. Vershik published in Algebra and Analisys (1990) (Russian).

Talk about teaching. On November 20, 1981, V.A.Rokhlin gave a talk Teaching mathematics to non-mathematicians to the Leningrad Mathematical Society. The lecture was tape recorded. Here are Russian transcript of its fragments, its English translation and the same texts in the format of pdf-files: Russian and English.

Pictures. Here are a few pictures of him. The second picture is of 1966, the third one is of about the same time.

I was fortunate to be a student of Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin.

I encountered him in 1966. Then I was a freshman student at the Mathematics and Mechanics faculty of Leningrad State University. In the fall of 1966, Rokhlin gave a lecture course in Topology for sophomores. Together with my five friends - freshmen, I attended his lectures and passed the exam then, a year ahead of time. I was truly fascinated by him, and eager to learn from him.

Two years later I chose the department (kafedra) of High Geometry for specialization and asked Vladimir Abramovich to be my advisor. He was my advisor also later, in the graduate school. After graduation I worked in the same department of High Geometry, and Vladimir Abramovich remained my advisor, although informally. I am very indebted to him. To me, he was really the Teacher.