Books, websites and timelines
Timelines of the history of mathematics
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About the history of mathematics
Primary Sources
Ishango bone - Photo credit MAA Convergence
Mathematics in Ancient Egypt
Primary Sources
Rhind Mathematical Papyrus - Photo credit British Museum
There are wonderful pictures of the Rhind (or Ahmose) Mathematical Papyrus in this and this pages of the British Museum.
A translation and comentary of the Rhind Papyrus by Gay Robbins and Charles Schute, 1987. (You need to subscribe to the Internet Archives to read it, but the subscription is free)
The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus Vol 1 translation by Arnolds Buffum Chace, 1927, Volume I (Here, Egyptian mathematics in general are discussed)
The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus translation by Arnolds Buffum Chace, 1929, MAA (In this volume, you'll find photos of each of the problems, accompanied by the translation.)
The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus translation and commentary by T. Eric Peet, 1923
Manuscript fragment from the Mathematical Leather Roll in the British Museum. This document contains 26 sums of part that yield part. (A part is a fraction of the form 1/n)
Adiscussion about the problems on the Lahun papirus.
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Links to use in class
Mathematics in Ancient Mesopotamia
Primary Sources
Note that you can drag and rotate the tablets above.
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How do do cuneiform writing
Ancient and Medieval Chinese Mathematics
Primary Sources
Two pages are from the Zhoubi suanjing (Arithmetical Classic of the Gnomon and the Circular Paths of Heaven), a Chinese book on astronomy and mathematics dated to approximately 100 BCE. MAA Mathematical Treasures , via Wikimedia Commons
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Ancient and Medieval Indian Mathematics
Primary Sources
Bakhshali manuscript, National Geographic, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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Mathematics in the Medieval Islamic World
Primary Sources
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Mathematics in the Renaissance
Primary Sources
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Mathematics and Computers
Primary Sources
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