MAT 123 Exams

Exam Schedule; campus map

Midterm I WED SEPTEMBER 29 08:30-10:00pm (EVENING EXAM)
Midterm II THU NOVEMBER 11 08:30-10:00pm (EVENING EXAM)
Final exam WED DECEMBER 15 11:00-01:30pm location: see below

Midterm I

No books, notes, or calculators are allowed. Bring your SUNY ID. ARRIVE 15 MIN. EARLY.

Material covered
Midterm I will cover all material from sections 1.1 to 1.6 included.

Appoximate curve:
A > 237.5, A- >225, B+ > 212.5, B > 200, B- > 187.5, C+ > 175, C > 162.5, C- > 150, D+ > 137.5, D >= 112.5, F< 112.

Midterm II

No books, notes, or calculators are allowed. Bring your SUNY ID. ARRIVE 15 MIN. EARLY.

Material covered
Midterm II will cover all material from sections 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3.

Appoximate curve:
A > 237.5, A- >225, B+ > 212.5, B > 200, B- > 187.5, C+ > 175, C > 162.5, C- > 150, D+ > 137.5, D >= 112.5, F< 112.


No books, notes, or calculators are allowed. Bring your SUNY ID. ARRIVE 15 MIN. EARLY.

Material covered
Midterm II will cover all material from ALL sections covered in the semester: 1.1 to 1.9, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6, 3.1 to 3.5 and 4.1 to 4.8.



Curve for grade in the course:
A >= 890, A- >= 820, B+ >= 790, B >= 740, B- >= 710, C+ >= 680, C >= 580, D >= 450, F <= 449.

Grades should be posted on SOLAR by sometime on Friday (Saturday, if the instructor posts them on Friday).

Keep the following in mind. It is all to your advantage. See also ABOUT GRADES

1) If your second midterm has a higher score than the first midterm, we will double the second score and omit the first one: this may increase your letter grade and will not penalize those whose second score is lower (or equal) than the first.

2) We will also curve the numerical grade of the final test, (A to F). If you score A in the final, your grade in the course will be A (provided you took all tests, or were excused by one of them). Same for C (unless your curved letter grade in the course is higher, in which case you will get the higher letter grade). This doen NOT apply to other letter grades. It is intended to ``save people" who did not do well in other midterms but have a good passing grade in the final and to reward an outstandingly good performance in the final.

``Curve for final" (see 2) above): A>= 280; C >=200 (the other letter-grades do not appear, and have not been determined, since they are not relevant to the grading scheme).